This repository will have many data structures and algorithm implementation in python , simulation and some python templates. Gradually , this repo will contain the solves from leetcode,Geekforgeeks,interviewbit as well. It will also contain system design resources.
Anyone can provide any algorithm or data structure implementation. If you want to contribute,firstly you have to fork the repository.Work on that repository then send pull request.Please give a reference that which problem you solved ,which algorithm you implemented or what modifications you have done.
If you want a implementation or any kind help or any questions then you can write that in the issue section.
You can give suggestion in issue section to make the repository better.
You can provide program templates.Such as- Removing duplicates from a list or Counting frequency of numbers in list. Any modified template of algorithms will also be allowed. Such as - Finding Shortest Path using BFS/DFS , Find the node that is unreachable from the source using Dijkstra/BFS/DFS etc . So this kind of implementation will be allowed.
Solve 100 medium questions of big tech company problems and try to achive 45 min problem solving skill. Click here
Learn about system design from Gaurav Sen. Click Here This course is premium and made by interviewers of google, facebook, amazon etc. Educative Website This is the free version of this course available in five parts. CourseHunters Online Follow Code Karle Channel
A good github repository to learn about System Design: Click Here
*** List of 75 blind leetcode questions If the pattern of these 75 questions is understood then any interview can be cracked.
If input array is sorted then
- Binary search
- Two pointers
If asked for all permutations/subsets then
- Backtracking
If given a tree then
If given a graph then
If given a linked list then
- Two pointers
If recursion is banned then
- Stack
If must solve in-place then
- Swap corresponding values
- Store one or more different values in the same pointer
If asked for maximum/minimum subarray/subset/options then
- Dynamic programming
If asked for top/least K items then
- Heap
If asked for common strings then
- Map
- Trie
If problem needs to be solved using greedy, then use sort
Else - Map/Set for O(1) time & O(n) space - Sort input for O(nlogn) time and O(1) space