An app that allows a user to get an indication about the tax they'll have to pay over their company's emissions in the coming years. The app was built using primarily React, Redux and Ant Design. The project is an initiative of Ecochain's Jeff Gomez, and was developed by Mauro Garcia Esteban and myself.
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- Ant.Design
- Chart.js
This project was part of the Codaisseur real world project week at Codaisseur, with its goal being getting students acquainted with working for, and with productowners/non-coders. The project turned out to be a lot more for me though, as it is actually the first project I was offered payment for, and ended up getting a proper release (As the only project of our class).
master (auto deploys) ______________________
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development \_____________/- pull request
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feats/fixes \_commits_/- pull request
This project was built using the create-react-app-cli.