These are the core parts of my custom 3D engine. See psiengine_public/README.MD for more information.
PSIEngine uses the following open source libraries and software:
Needed to compile:
- :: CMake for building.
- :: C++ package manager. Needed to build and install library dependencies.
Library dependencies installed via Conan:
- :: GLSL semantic compatible math lib. Vectors and matrixes etc
- :: OpenGL Extension Wrapper. Makes it easy to use available OpenGL extensions.
- :: Freetype for text rendering support.
Clone the repository, run:
git submodule update --init --recursive
To pull in the freetype-gl headers.
Then compile the core engine library:
mkdir build && cd build
conan install ../
cmake -G Ninja ../ (or cmake -g "Unix Makefiles" ../)
ninja (or make)
This will build the core library under build/lib.