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1. Pull mirror configuration guide

Adam Schubert edited this page Jun 17, 2018 · 2 revisions

Pull mirror configuration guide

Pull mirror

Pull mirror pulls changes from remote GIT repository (GitHub, etc.) to your GitlabCE installation To create your first pull mirror follow these steps

  1. Click on "Pull mirror" in main menu
  2. Click on "Add +"
  3. Fill in form required fields:
    1. Fill in "Project mirror" that is GIT repo URI you want to mirror (eg.
    2. Fill in "Project name" that is name of project that will be created in your GitLab CE installation
    3. Fill in "Search for group" select group in your GitLab CE installation where this mirrored project will be created. It can be separated group like "Mirrors" or any other group or subgroup.
  4. Click on "Save"
  5. Now you should see newly created mirror in "Pull mirror" section
  6. To get actual mirroring work, we must register push web hook to mirrored repository and allow your GitLab-Tools user to access that repository wia configured "Project mirror" URI:

How to register push web hook:

How to allow access to mirrored repository:

For SSH access you will need GitLab-Tools user public key, you can find it on "Home" page.

Git provider SSH URI HTTPS URI
GitLab as format of your URI should be fine