Currently, this repository should only be used for generating Server 2016 images.
In order to do so, perform the following steps.
(For Virtualbox Image) Steps:
- Create a subdirectory named "ISO", and another named "Output".
- Within the ISO directory, place the en_windows_server_2016_x64_dvd_9718492.iso file.
- Run
packer build --force --only=virtualbox-iso --var-file Server2016-Variables.json --var Output_Directory=Output 01-OperatingSystem.json
- Next, run
packer build --only=virtualbox-ovf --var-file Server2016-Variables.json --var Output_Directory=Output 02-BaseSoftware-MSUpdates.json
packer build 03-Cleanup.json
- Lastly, run
packer build --only=virtualbox-ovf --var-file Server2016-Variables.json --var Output_Directory=Output 03-Cleanup-Sysprep-Capture.json
If you'd only like to build the VMware image, or Virtualbox Images, you can do something like
packer build --only=vmware-vmx 01-Windows2008R2-Base.json
Do do:
- Migrate MaaS network script to exist in this repo as it is not needed here.
- Add Process to Handle Versioning Within The Packer Process, Preferably automated and self-incrementing.
- Investigate if it is possible to get around the VMware winrm issue.
- Add ability to exclude software updates.
- Add ability to automatically uploat to Atlas or an HTTP source.