Namelists, postprocessing and analysis scripts for "Seasonably variable estuarine exchange through inter-connected channels in the Salish Sea"
Namelists in directory Namelists see subdirectory names below.
From Victoria Sill to Haro, Rosario, SJC (also to Admiralty and Deception)
- Name in Table 1: Split1F
- Directory: forVS_split
To Victoria Sill from Haro, Rosario, SJC (also from Admiralty and Deception)
- Name in Table 1: Split1B
- Directory: backVS_split
From Point Roberts to Haro, Rosario, SJC (also to Gulf Islands)
- Name in Table 1: Split2F
- Directory: forPR_split
To Point Roberts from Haro, Rosario, SJC (also from Gulf Islands)
- Name in Table 1: Split2B
- Directory: backPR_split
From Victoria Sill through Haro Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full1F_haro
- Directory: forVS_haro
From Point Roberts through Haro Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full2F_haro
- Directory: forPR_haro
From Admiralty Inlet through Haro Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full3F_haro
- Directory: foradm_haro
From Gulf Islands through Haro Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full4F_haro
- Directory: forgulf_haro
From Victoria Sill through Rosario Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full1F_ros
- Directory: forVS_ros
From Point Roberts through Rosario Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full2F_ros
- Directory: forPR_ros
From Admiralty Inlet through Rosario Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full3F_ros
- Directory: foradm_ros
From Gulf Islands through Rosario Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full4F_ros
- Directory: forgulf_ros
From Victoria Sill through San Juan Channel
- Name in Table 1: Full1F_sjc
- Directory: forVS_sjc
From Point Roberts through San Juan Channel
- Name in Table 1: Full2F_sjc
- Directory: forPR_sjc
From Admiralty Inlet through San Juan Channel
- Name in Table 1: Full3F_sjc
- Directory: foradm_sjc
From Gulf Islands through San Juan Channel
- Name in Table 1: Full4F_sjc
- Directory: forgulf_sjc
To Victoria Sill through Haro Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full1B_haro
- Directory: backVS_haro
To Point Roberts through Haro Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full2B_haro
- Directory: backPR_haro
To Admiralty Inlet through Haro Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full3B_haro
- Directory: backadm_haro
To Gulf Islands through Haro Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full4B_haro
- Directory: backgulf_haro
To Victoria Sill through Rosario Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full1B_ros
- Directory: backVS_ros
To Admiralty Inlet through Rosario Strait
- Name in Table 1: Full3B_ros
- Directory: backadm_ros
To Victoria Sill through San Juan Channel
- Name in Table 1: Full1B_sjc
- Directory: backVS_sjc
To Admiralty Inlet through San Juan Channel
- Name in Table 1: Full3B_sjc
- Directory: backadm_sjc
calculate_balances_avg.ipynb: Calculates monthly averages of the transport moving into and out of the SJGI region and calculates the transport moving through each of Haro Strait, Rosario Strait, and San Juan Channel.
CalculateTimeSeries_ThroughHaro.ipynb/CalculateTimeSeries_ThroughRosario.ipynb/CalculateTimeSeries_ThroughSJC.ipynb/Get_Shifted_Transport.ipynb: Extracts the transport data from Ariane runs and shifts forward/backward runs to match timing. Combines the transport data from into a time series and saves to csv.
CalculateMonthlyAvgs: Combines data from Ariane files, caculates the monthly average for transport, salinity, temperature and saves to csv files.
reflux_SJI_analysis.ipynb: Calculates transport and salt flux associated with reflux, efflux, tidal sloshing through the SJGI.
Calculate_Wind.ipynb: Calculates the wind at Sand Heads and shifts to match the along strait and across strait direction of SalishSeaCast.
Calculate_IntegDens.ipynb: Calculates the density difference between 2 points through the SJGI region.
Calculate_Tides.ipynb: Calculates the tidal velocity squared in Boundary Pass.
Calculate_PugetRivers.ipynb: Calculates the river flux into Puget Sound.
Figure 1: maps_sjgi.ipynb
Figure 2: ModelEval_SJGI.ipynb
Figure 3: Monthly_CrossSections.ipynb
Figure 4: calculate_balances_avg.ipynb
Figure 5: SouthTransport_ThroughStraits.ipynb
Figure 6: TransportThroughStraits_Correlations.ipynb
Figure 7: SouthFlow_Comps.ipynb
Figure 8: TransportThroughStraits_Correlations.ipynb
Figure S1: maps_sjgi.ipynb
Figure S2: reflux_SJI_analysis.ipynb
Figure S3: calculate_balances_avg.ipynb
Figure S4: Balances_SupplAnalysis.ipynb
Figure S5: Monthly_CrossSections.ipynb
Figure S6: IntegratedDensity_SuppAnalysis.ipynb
Figure S7: IntegratedDensity_SuppAnalysis.ipynb
Figure S8: SouthFlow_Comps.ipynb
Figure S9: TransportThroughStraits_Correlations.ipynb
Figure S10: TransportThroughStraits_Correlations.ipynb