NB: If you haven't already, install the new VM.
Take a moment to familarise yourself with symbolic links (symlinks):
First create the new catkin workspace for this week:
mkdir -p ~/lab_workspaces/lab07_ws/src
Create the repo directory if not already created
mkdir -p ~/lab_demo_repos/
cd ~/lab_demo_repos/
Clone this repo into ~/lab_demo_repos/
git clone git@github.com:UNSW-MTRN4230-T2-2021/lab07_demo.git
Symbolically link the two packages from the repo into the lab workspace
ln -s ~/lab_demo_repos/lab07_demo/thresholding ~/lab_workspaces/lab07_ws/src
ln -s ~/lab_demo_repos/lab07_demo/aruco_detection ~/lab_workspaces/lab07_ws/src
cd ~/lab_workspaces/lab07_ws/
If you look in the ~/lab_workspaces/lab07_ws/src directory, you will find the repo is now symbolically linked into the workspace
Then create and source the necessary files
source devel/setup.bash
To use C++:
roslaunch thresholding thresholding_cpp.launch
To use Python:
roslaunch thresholding thresholding_py.launch
Region properties - Centroids
Tutorial on ArUco Markers To start the node (which simply executes then waits for keypress to exit)
cd ~/lab_workspaces/lab07_ws/
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch aruco_detection aruco_detection.launch