A Cosmicsting POC, with a bash script to check all of our hosted sites to confirm the patch.
This repository is provided to allow store owners / hosts to confirm the patch is applied on stores. Within check.bash
add domains to the SITES
Online Validator https://cosmicsting.samdjames.uk/
# Create a python virtual environment for the project
python -m venv venv
# Activate virtual environment (pick appropriate below)
source venv/bin/activate # MacOS / Unix
venv\Scripts\activate # Windows
# Install Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run the POC against a single store
./poc.py -u https://samdjames.uk
# To run the POC against multiple stores, first create txt file containing the list of sites seperated by a new line
# for example `sites/example.txt`. And pass it as the first positional argument of the ./z_validate script.
./z_validate sites/example.txt
# A very basic check monitoring stores for compromise
# Dumps all script src's to a file, and compares against the previous run.
./z_compromise_check sites/example.txt