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Rishabh jain edited this page Aug 14, 2023 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Yaus wiki !!!

What is Yaus ?

Yaus is a battery included url shortener developed for scalability and speed. Citizens engage with multiple types of links hosted by government departments. YAUS is a URL Shortener that allows one to create, customize, shorten and track links. It is built as an open source project with a focus on leveraging the technology to governance problems by providing a better digital infrastructure to the country.

How Yaus is different ?

Yaus is being developed as an open-source alternative to many powerful link shortener in the market currently like , bitly. We aim to create a home grown service that while providing the same level of features and services to users remains free to use and an open source project.

How you can benefit from Yaus?

If you are an organization who actively requires a link-shortening service then yaus can be a good option for you. Being an open-source you can use the code as is or modify it as per your need to provide a scalable and fast link-shortening experience for your end users. One of the main motive to develop yaus as an open-source is to catalyze the creation of Digital Public Goods. If you are working in the same field then instead of writing your own link-shortening service you can leverage yaus for your needs.