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Todo List Application + Truffle , React , TailwindCSS

Simple todo list app developed with back-end Solidity Smart Contract and Front-end with Truffle React and Tailwindcss CDN

Why was this project developed?

To practice and learn how to integrate solidity language and smart contracts with Front

What did I learn in this project?

  • How to integrate Solidity and blockchain with Front end
  • How to develope and deploye smart contract on blockchain
  • How to use Web3.js to interact with local ethereum node (Ganache)
  • How to work with truffle framework and react box

What packages used in this project?

  • Truffle framework and React box
  • Solidity and Samrt cnotract in backend
  • TailwindCSS v3 CDN for styling
  • PropTypes for type cheching
  • Heroicons for icons