This tool is a quick harmonic table note layout generator for .ltn files, which can be loaded on to a midi controller via the Lumatone Editor, provided by the controller manufacturer at
lumatoneHtnlGen.exe -f [input.json] > [output.ltn]
This will generate a basic harmonic table note layout .ltn file, supporting one channel, given a properly formatted json file for input.
For example:
lumatoneHtnlGen.exe -f ltndef_2channel.json > htnl_2channel.ltn
The format of the json is an array of layout definitions - one for each section:
"Board": 0,
"Key0Pitch": 48,
"Channel": 1,
"ColorDefault": "FFFF00",
"ColorEdge": "00FF7F",
"ColorC": "0000FF",
"ColorMiddleC": "FF0080"
Where ...
- "Board" is the id of the board id for the section, and is numbered 0 through 4. Each board value must be unique.
- "Key0Pitch" is the midi pitch value for the upper-leftmost key for a section - Key_0. (The value for middle C is 60).
- "Channel" is the midi channel for the section.
The color settings are what I prefer for harmonic table note layout.
- "ColorDefault" is the "filler" color I use.
- "ColorEdge" outlines an area where each pitch is uniquely named. (Note: this will span a couple of octaves, and skip pitches along the way, in according to harmonic table note layout).
- "ColorC" is the color to use for any key assigned to C (midi value divisible by 12).
- "ColorMiddleC" is the color to apply to any key assigned to middle-C (midi value 60).
I use tetrad color schemes. Although there are other free online tools for creating color schemes, I used while working on this project.