This is a simple telegram bot to manage rtmps livestreams of telegram groups and channels.
- Pyrogram View - Telegram Client
- Pymongo - Mongodb for python
- FFmpeg - Audio/Video processor
- python-ffmpeg View - FFmpeg python wrapper
Guide for installation using docker:
Clone repository
git clone
Install FFmpeg
Go to
- For Windows install builds from
- For Linux and Mac install the static builds
Change to repository directory
cd SamfunStreamerBot
Install requirements and dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create config.ini
Using the sample available at streamer/working_dir/config.ini.sample
create streamer/working_dir/config.ini
# Here is a sample of config file and what it should include:
# More info on API_ID and API_HASH can be found here:
api_id = 1234567
api_hash = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
app_version = 1.0
device_model = PC
system_version = Windows
# Where pyrogram plugins are located
root = streamer/telegram/plugins
# More info on Bot API Key/token can be found here:
bot_token = 123456789:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
user_session = BADGIDHwLxMhh8_q9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # A user session string run the example here and input the result:
session = StreamerBot
dustbin = -100xxxxxxxxx # Used to store uploaded book. id of a channel where the bot is admin
allowed_users = [123456789, 987654321] # Telegram id of users allowed to use the bot. If the bot is open to all put empty array like this []
# Mongodb Credentials
db_host = or localhost # In this section db_host is the address of the machine where the MongoDB is running, with port number
db_username = username
db_password = password
db_name = BookdlBot
db_type = Mongo_Atlas (or Mongo_Community)
Run bot with:
python -m streamer
stop with CTRL+C
- Send /start to start the bot
- Send /help to see all the available commands
Note: bot only works in private mode
When bot is closed it might raise This was indirectly caused by a memory leak from python-ffmpeg but it seems to be fixedValueError: I/O operation on closed pipe asyncio
or BrokenPipeError: [WinError 109] The pipe has been ended
or both for every livestream created and terminated. This only happens on Windows 10 afaik in my reseach. I don't think it happens to other systems but if I confirm othewise, I'll update the readme.
- Allow selected users to act as user_session. Meaning they can auto create livestreams on user_session owned chats
- Add a 1 min(customizable) stream of channel image(or bot image) to give viewers to join the stream without missing the opening and circumvent a cut in the video because of telegram delay
- Add playlist mode using Queue
- Add scheduled streaming