SamfundetDomain is archived as its functionality has been merged into the main Samfundet project.
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.
Add the following line to your Gemfile and run bundle install
# SamfundetDomain is a gem which provides the application with samfundets domain models.
gem 'samfundet_domain', :git => "git://"
Copy the migrations to your project with the following command.
rake samfundet_domain_engine:install:migrations
Run rake db:migrate
to execute the newly created migrations.
You may add the following line to your db/seeds.rb to seed group types, groups and areas.
Run the following commands to update the gem.
bundle update --source samfundet_domain
rake samfundet_domain_engine:install:migrations
Run rake db:migrate
again to execute any newly created migrations.
If installed correctly, you will have access to three new models: Group, GroupType and Area. They can all be utilized exactly like any other models. They may be decorated using standards ways of decorating models provided by engines.