Releases: Samsung/GearVRf
GearVRf v4.0
This release works with the Oculus Mobile SDK 1.7.0 and Google DayDream 1.80.0. It introduces alpha quality support for Vulkan.
To enable the Vulkan renderer use adb shell setprop debug.gearvrf.vulkan 1
. To switch back to the OpenGL renderer use adb shell setprop debug.gearvrf.vulkan 0
Release notes:
Dependencies for apps using this release:
project.ext.jomlVersion = "1.9.1-SNAPSHOT"
dependencies {
compile ''
compile "org.joml:joml-android:${jomlVersion}"
compile "org.gearvrf:framework:$gearvrfVersion"
compile "org.gearvrf:backend_daydream:$gearvrfVersion"
compile "org.gearvrf:backend_oculus:$gearvrfVersion"
compile ''
compile ""
GearVRf v3.3
This release works with the Oculus Mobile SDK 1.7.0 and Google DayDream 1.80.0
Dependencies for apps using this release:
project.ext.jomlVersion = "1.9.1-SNAPSHOT"
dependencies {
compile ''
compile "org.joml:joml-android:${jomlVersion}"
compile "org.gearvrf:framework:$gearvrfVersion"
compile "org.gearvrf:backend_daydream:$gearvrfVersion"
compile "org.gearvrf:backend_oculus:$gearvrfVersion"
compile ''
compile ""
GearVR Framework Version 3.3 Release Notes
External Component Changes
Upgraded to Oculus Mobile SDK 1.5.0/1.7.0
Now require Oculus Platform SDK 1.16.0
Upgraded to DayDream SDK 1.80
- Added support for building with CLANG
- extra_properties.gradle to support additional properties
- Minimum API now 21: Kitkat no longer supported by Oculus
API Changes in this Release
- GVREyePointee (use GVRMeshCollider instead)
- GVREyePointeeHolder (use GVRColliderGroup instead)
- GVRContext.getAssimpModel (use GVRAssetLoader.loadModel instead)
- GVRContext.loadJAssimpModel (use GVRAssetLoader.loadModel instead)
- GVRContext.loadJAssimpModelfromSD (use GVRAssetLoader.loadModel instead)
- GVRContext.loadModelfromSD (use GVRAssetLoader.loadModel instead)
- GVRContext.loadModelfromURL (use GVRAssetLoader.loadModel instead)
- GVRContext.loadModel (use GVRAssetLoader.loadModel instead)
- GVRContext.loadMesh (use GVRAssetLoader.loadMesh instead)
- GVRContext.loadFutureMesh (use GVRAssetLoader.loadFutureMesh instead)
- GVRContext.getNodeMesh (use GVRAssetLoader.loadMesh instead)
- GVRContext.loadBitmap (use GVRAssetLoader.loadTexture instead)
- GVRContext.loadTexture (use GVRAssetLoader.loadTexture instead)
- GVRContext.loadCubemapTexture (use GVRAssetLoader.loadCubemapTexture instead)
- GVRContext.loadCompressedTexture (use GVRAssetLoader.loadTexture instead)
- GVRContext.loadBitmapTexture (use GVRAssetLoader.loadTexture instead)
- GVRContext.loadFutureCubemapTexture (use GVRAssetLoader.loadFutureCubemapTexture instead)
- GVRContext.loadFutureCompressedCubemapTexture (use GVRAssetLoader.loadFutureCompressedCubemapTexture instead)
- Anchor tag
- Level of Detail
- Switch node
- Improved animation
- True Type fonts
- Emissive color
- Use V8 JavaScript engine instead of Rhino
Asset Loader:
- added loadModel, loadScene variants with GVRImportSettings
- Added import settings to disable lighting, animation, texturing
- Added support for constraints
- Run physics in a separate thread
- Added Gear Controller support
- Added event listener for controller events
- Added GVRGUISceneObject to simplify interaction with Android views
- Added GVRGearControllerSceneObject to depict GearVR controller model
- Provide surface normal and texture coordinates for GVRMeshCollider hits
- Update sensor API to provide picking hit location
Other Features:
- GVRBillboard component which implements a scene object that always faces the viewer
- High performance particle system
- GVRKeyboardSceneObject to provide a VR keyboard for applications
- Automatic transparency detection for textures
- Support depth mask with GVRRenderData.setDepthMask
- Allow bitmap texture update from NIO buffer
- Added ColorShader
- Multiview support for post effect shaders
GearVRf v3.2
This release works with the Oculus Mobile SDK 1.5.0 and Google DayDream 1.30.0
Dependencies for apps using this release:
project.ext.jomlVersion = "1.9.1-SNAPSHOT"
dependencies {
compile ''
compile "org.joml:joml-android:${jomlVersion}"
compile "org.gearvrf:framework:$gearvrfVersion"
compile "org.gearvrf:backend_daydream:$gearvrfVersion"
compile "org.gearvrf:backend_oculus:$gearvrfVersion"
compile ''
GearVRf v3.1.1
This binary release works with the Oculus Mobile SDK 1.0.4.
Minor bug fix of a NPE in GVRConfigurationManager immediately after docking the phone.
GearVRf v3.1
This binary release works with the Oculus Mobile SDK 1.0.4.
Required: Core framework
framework-debug.aar - framework implementation and public APIs
backend_oculus-debug.aar - support for Oculus
backend_daydream-debug.aar - support for Daydream
Optional Extensions
3DCursorLibrary-debug.aar, GearWearIoDevice-debug.aar, gearwearlibrary-debug.aar - IO library
gvrf-physics-debug.aar - physics extension
widgetplugin-debug.aar - libgdx integration
debugwebserver-debug.aar - a web server that serves webpage with a debug console for GVRf; see the gvr-remote-scripting demo for an example how to use it
GearVRf v3.0.1
This binary release works with the Oculus Mobile SDK 1.0.3.
Android Studio Instructions:
Use gvrf-3.0.1.aar and import as a new module in Android Studio; add dependency to it in your application module
From the Oculus Mobile SDK:
- Under your application's directory create jniLibs and copy there.
- Copy SystemUtils.jar and VrApi.jar somewhere under your application's directory; go to Android Studio, select both files, right click and choose "Add as Library" to include them in the apk.
Eclipse Instructions
Use Extract somewhere and import the Android Library project under the GearVRf folder. Add the GearVRf library to your project (Project Properties->Android->Library->Add).
From the Oculus Mobile SDK:
- Copy SystemUtils.jar and VrApi.jar to your application project's lib folder
- Copy to your application project's lib/armeabi-v7a folder
GearVRf v3.0
The prebuilt binaries works with Oculus v1.0.0.1. The template app of gvr-video-staticlib is now available at
GearVRf v2.4
Source codes and prebuilt binaries (works with Oculus v1.0.0)
Build instructions:
Android Studio and Eclipse project templates:
GearVRf 2.3 and new prebuilt binary
The binary snapshot was created from the current version of GearVRf codes and tested with oculus v1.0.0.
See the wiki page for the build instructions:
For template samples for Android Studio and Eclipse, please refer to this posting:
Minor release from the previous to match with oculus v0.6.2
Minor release from the previous to match with oculus v0.6.2
Also, posts template samples for Android Studio and Eclipse users (refer to the README.txt in the zip)