is an application library that allows for Cordova-based projects to be built for the Legacy Samsung Smart TV (A.K.A Orsay) Platform.
Cordova based applications are, at the core, applications written with web technology: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Legacy Samsung Smart TV (sectv-orsay)
There are 3 cordova plugins which are supported on TOAST
- cordova-plugin-device
- cordova-plugin-globalization
- cordova-plugin-network-information
If you want more details, please refer Supported Cordova Plugin
|-cordova-js-src/ .... cordova-js sectv-orsay platform implementation
| |-plugin/ ......... cordova plugin implementations
| |-exec.js ......... cordova/exec module
| `-platform.js ..... cordova/platform module having platform definition and bootstrap
|-www/ ............... Project template for Orsay platform
|-package.json ....... NPM package configuration
' .......... this file
This section describes the build process which creates cordova.js
file for the sectv-orsay
cordova platform.
Please see Cordova-js for more detail of compile
Clone the Cordova-js project as sibling of this project.
$ git clone $ git clone
Repositories will be created like below directory structure.
./ |-cordova-js `-cordova-sectv-orsay
Add "sectv-orsay" as a target of "compile" task on
in the cordova-js project.... grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), "compile": { ..., "sectv-orsay": {} }, "compile-browserify": { ... });
Add "sectv-orsay" property to "cordova-platforms" object in the cordova-js project's
with path to this project's repository as its value."cordova-platforms": { ..., "cordova-sectv-orsay": "../cordova-sectv-orsay" }
In the
directory's root, run below command to createcordova-js/pkg/cordova.sectv-orsay.js
file.$ grunt compile:sectv-orsay
We recommend to copy the created file to the
directory which is including Orsay Application project templates for further use. In thecordova-js
directory:$ cp ./pkg/cordova.sectv-orsay.js ../cordova-sectv-orsay/www/cordova.js
For creating application package for Orsay TV:
Copy your Cordova project's
directory which includes your application implementation to a new directory for the orsay project.Assuming we've developed a Cordova project named as "MyProject" and it is located as a sibling of
../ |-cordova-js |-cordova-sectv-orsay `-MyProject |- platforms |- plugins |- www | |- index.html | `- ... `- config.xml
$ cd MyProject $ cp -rf ./www ./orsayprj
Create the Orsay
file in the orsay project. -
Copy the built
to your new orsay project root with namecordova.js
.$ cp ../cordova-js/pkg/cordova.sectv-orsay.js ./orsayprj/cordova.js
Zip the orsay project directory to package.
$ zip -r ./orsayprj
- We recommand to use the grunt-cordova-sectv Grunt task to automate these process.
Not yet