A Packet manager for *NIX, via a POSIX compliant sh
shell script.
Originally created by Giovanni Santini to manage his Linux From Scratch systems.
Usage: ./mapkg.sh [options] [packages]
install <package> <version>: Install the specified package[s]
search <package>: Search if a package map exists
remove <package>: Remove the specified package[s]
upgrade <package>: Upgrade the specified package[s]
update: Update the package list
list: List all the installed packages
help: Print this help message
version: Print the version of the script
Clone this repo in /opt
or specify the installation path in MAPKG_PATH
You will use mapkg.sh to manage your packages,
add It's location to your path or copy it in /usr/bin
The packages will be installed in MAPKG_PATH/bin
so you should add this
to your path aswell. That's it.
All build scripts (that will be referred to as "maps") are stored in a tree structure in maps with the following structure:
- maps
- category
- package
- version
For example, gcc-14.1
would be found in:
- maps
- dev
- gcc
- 14.1.0
The location of the map is either specified in MAPKG_PATH
/maps env
variable or in a default location /opt/mapkg/maps
Each map contains a build script with the following options:
- list of dependencies
- download
- installation
- clean the build
- remove
- metadata: description and other things
When you want to install a package, the instructions on the
map are executed and the result is saved in MAPKG_PATH
Example map: fastfetch
Maps are updated via git by fetching this repository, either using a known tag or from master branch.