Adds a SBT Console inside the ScalaIDE for Eclipse.
A SBT Console can be launched using the Scala menu and choosing Show/hide SBT Console (default key shortcut: all three modifier keys + s).
If you have any problems or questions with usage, feel free to submit tickets with questions, bug reports or feature requests.
Useful information can be found on the project wiki.
Nightly update sites:
- Scala IDE 2.1.x, Scala 2.9:
- Scala IDE 2.1.x, Scala 2.10:
Scala IDE 2.1 is required; 2.0 is not supported.
Use one of the following profiles, depending on the desired Scala version:
Run maven like this:
mvn -P <scala-profile> clean install
After a successful build, you can find the local Eclipse update site in the folder org.scala-ide.sdt.sbtconsole.update-site/target/site
. Make sure that the Scala IDE and Scala versions match.
If you update your local copy of the SBT Console sources and perform a new build, you can use the standard Eclipse update mechanism to update your locally built plugin.