#Carrot Carrot is an iOS app to automatically save your spare change and invest it in things you love the most.
Developed at the 2016 Capital One Summit for Software Engineers Hackathon.
Connect to your credit card account of your choice, and we’ll do the analysis for you. Visualize your money in terms of the products you purchase most often, and set goals for yourself to save money towards the big wins in life - like buying a car or paying for a wedding.
We round up every transaction you make and invest the spare change into your own Carrot savings account. All of your information is stored with your Capital One account, and you have the flexibility to save and withdraw more money at any time. ##Backend Carrot-Parse
- Anna Liu
- Kevin Kim
- Richard Huang
- Richard Ouyang
- Sang-Chan Kim
pod install
to install dependencies
- You must add your own Parse backend's application id and client key to AppDelegate.swift in order for the app to work
Parse.setApplicationId("<insert application id here>", clientKey: "<insert client key here>")
##Presentation Google Slides presentation