Without adding new tables/processor on native aptos indexer, fetches module data from indexed database, parses functions and index them.
Install Rust: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
Setup Diesel ORM:
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
Edit values in .env file, Postgresql only.
- DATABASE_URL: Database of function indexer
- FULL_INDEXER_URL: Database of native Aptos indexer
Diesel migration
cd crates/database diesel migration run
There are three different types of log on the runtime.
- fetch_module_task(query modules from aptos native indexer)
- parser_task(parse functions from modules)
- function_indexing_task(insert functions to db)
These tasks run in asynchronous manner and pass data through crossbeam-channel