1. OpenCV :
1. Object Detection
2. Object Tracking
2. Libraries:
1. CV2
2. Flexitimer2.h
3. Gpiozero
4. Servo.h
3. 3-D Printer:
1. Auto-CAD
2. Ultimaker Cura
1. Rasberry pi Zero W
2. Arduino Uno
3. Py Cam
4. Servo (SG-90)
5. Jumper wires
6. 3D printed Anatomy
7. Perfboard
Bot works with servo motors and have 12 degree of freedom.
We have used Raspberry pi as a microcontroller and pycam for collecting live
Application of BOT:
1. security purpose
2. Working in Terrain
3. Rescue operation
Bot identifies the object or person and can follow that object
All these parts are 3D printed.