- Stationarity of a Time Series Data Set
- Decomposition of Raw Data Set Using Ratio to Moving Average Method
- Mathematical Curves
- ARIMA Modeling
- Ljung Box Test
- Forecasting
- Stationarity Testing:
- Visualizing Raw Data & 1st Differences
- KPSS Test with p-value 0.01 implying rejection of H0 and non-stationarity in data
- Data Decomposition:
Used Additive Model
Decomposed Components: Trend, Seasonality, Residual Series with Random/White Noise
- Individual Component Fitting:
- Trend: Fitted Cubic Curve (highest adjusted R^2 of 0.991 & least MSE)
- Seasonality: ACF and PACF Plots
- Random Noise: ARIMA Modelling, Ljung–Box test for goodness of fit
- The best Fit is AR(1) to forecast seasonality due to geometric decay in the ACF plot and sharp cut-off in the PACF Plot.
- Out of an overall YoY rise of 3.2 ± 0.5 mm, 1.8 ± 0.41 mm is due to Climate Change (~43%).
- The overall rise of 102.5 mm (approx. 4 inches) seen since 1993; the forecasted increase of approx. 109.6 mm till 2025 (i.e., ~ 6.9% rise in change in 4 years).
- Studying regional impact analysis with the inclusion of isostatic causes.
- Extending the study to support the formulation of natural calamity action plans and better the existing understanding of their occurrences