Welcome to Emaily! I built this application for getting hands on experience on fullstack web development in MERN stack. It's a course project on - Node with React : Fullstack Web Development by Stephen Grider on Udemy.
You can check out the application here - https://afternoon-beach-53955.herokuapp.com/
Card number : 4242 4242 4242 4242
Exp month/year : Any future month/year
CVV : 123
It's built for product managers. They can send emails to their respective users and ask them few questions regarding their product exerience. Emaily then collects all those feedbacks and displays the result to the users (product managers).
Users have to pay a fee to use this service. I have used Stripe for payment integration.
Users can sign up or login using their gmail account. I have intergated google o-auth api for the same.