A Backend implementation of a Recipe App in node.js and postgresql.
Docker is the most convenient way to build and run the Recipe_App_Backend
To install and run using docker, run docker-compose:
In Developement Mode:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d --build
In Staging Mode:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.staging.yml up -d --build
or using Makefile:
make compose_dev_up_linux (If using linux)
make compose_dev_up_rest (If using mac or windows)
make compose_stage_up_linux (If using linux)
make compose_stage_up_rest (If using mac or windows)
Recipe_App supports the following environments:
POST /auth/register
: Register a new profile -
POST /auth/login
: Login into the account -
Post /auth/token
: Generate Access Token -
POST /auth/logout
: Logout from the account
GET /api/profile?name=''
: Get profile by name -
GET /api/profile/:id
: Get profile by id -
PUT /api/profile/update
: Update profile
GET /api/recipe/all
: Get all recipes -
GET /api/recipe/:id
: Get recipe by id -
GET /api/recipe?name=''
: Get recipe by name -
POST /api/recipe/add
: Add a new Recipe Item -
PUT /api/recipe/update/:id
: Update recipe by id -
DELETE /api/recipe/delete/:id
: Delete recipe by id -
DELETE /api/recipe/
: Delete all recipes