First project on fast api
An API, that stores information about employees in a company and their performance. Employees can access a limited amount of endpoint to tell about their performance and receive new tasks. Managers can make tasks for employees to do and look at their performance (with plots!), they have access to some endpoints, that employees have no access to. At last there are directors, who have access to all endpoints and can fire and hire people.
0 - Not authorized, 1 - Employee, 2 - Manager, 3 - Director
- get_task 1
- get_tasks 1
- update_task 1 (only is_completed field) 2 (all fields)
- create_task 2
- delete_task 2
- get_employee 1
- get_employees 1
- create_employee 3
- delete_employee 3
docker exec -it alpha_web_1 alembic init alembic
Make migrations
docker exec -it alpha_web_1 alembic revision --autogenerate -m 'commit message'
Migrate to latest
docker exec -it alpha_web_1 alembic upgrade head
Migrate to previous
docker exec -it alpha_web_1 alembic downgrade -1
docker exec -it alpha_web_1 pytest
- add 404 handlers
- if task is_completed = True, then datetime_completed must not be null