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A WeiDU function that aims at unifying WeiDU's built-in ADD_KIT and COPY_KIT as well as the complementary function fl#add_kit_ee.

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WeiDU functions: ADD_KIT_EX and GET_KIT_EX

This project aims at unifying WeiDU's built-in functions ADD_KIT and COPY_KIT as well as the complementary functions fl#add_kit_ee and qd_multiclass.



ADD_KIT_EX allows you to add new kits to the game or create copies of existing kits. In both cases it is possible to alter selected attributes of the kit and let the function derive the remaining information either from a specified source kit or the kit's parent class. The function provides full support for both classic and EE games.

The following games are currently supported: BG2 (with or without ToB), Tutu, BGT, BG:EE (with or without SoD), BG2:EE, EET, IWD:EE and PST:EE*. TobEx and GemRB are considered when detected.

(*) PST:EE does theoretically support kits, but lacks the necessary files.

Adding the kit name to any of the specified 2DA strings is optional. It will be included automatically if needed.

Unless stated otherwise, if no value is provided for one or more of the optional parameters, the corresponding value of a given source kit or the parent class (in that order) will be copied and used for this kit if needed.

Missing entries in specified 2da strings will be filled with sane default values if needed.

Parameter Description
STR_VAR kit_name (required) The internal name of your kit. This name is used throughout all relevant IDS and 2DA files to reference your kit.
INT_VAR visible (optional) Indicates whether the kit will be selectable during character creation. Set to 0 to make it unselectable for player characters. Default: 1
INT_VAR kit_class (required, unless "source_kit" is specified) Parent class ID added to kitlist.2da.
INT_VAR mixed (required, unless "source_kit" is specified) Mixed name strref of your kit, added to kitlist.2da.
INT_VAR lower (optional) Lower name strref of your kit, added to kitlist.2da. A lower-cased version of "mixed" is generated if this parameter is not available.
INT_VAR help (optional) Description string of your kit, added to kitlist.2da.
INT_VAR biography (optional, EE-only) The biography strref of your kit, added to clastext.2da.
INT_VAR briefdesc (optional, EE-only) Short class or kit description strref added to clastext.2da.
INT_VAR fallen (optional, EE-only) 0 or 1. Indicates whether the kit is a "fallen" variant. This parameter is only relevant for ranger and paladin kits. Added to clastext.2da.
INT_VAR fallen_notice (optional, EE-only) Fallen notice strref. Notice is shown in combat log when the fallen status is applied to the character. Added to clastext.2da.
INT_VAR prettify (optional) 0 or 1. A purely cosmetic option that can be used to properly align data in tables that are modified by this function. Set to non-zero to activate. Default: 1
STR_VAR source_kit (optional, unless "kit_class" is omitted) Name of an existing kit to copy information from for all omitted parameters. Specify this parameter and set "visible" to 0 to imitate behavior of the original WeiDU function "COPY_KIT".
STR_VAR unusable (optional) Unusability code added to kitlist.2da. Must be a positive number in decimal or (preferrably) hexadecimal notation. Omit to inherit usability of source kit or parent class.
Note: Defined as string parameter to work around WeiDU restrictions.
STR_VAR clasweap (optional) 2DA string added to clasweap.2da.
STR_VAR weapprof (optional) 2DA string added to weapprof.2da.
STR_VAR abclasrq (optional) 2DA string added to abclasrq.2da.
STR_VAR abclsmod (optional) 2DA string added to abclsmod.2da.
STR_VAR abdcdsrq (optional) 2DA string added to abdcdsrq.2da.
STR_VAR abdcscrq (optional) 2DA string added to abdcscrq.2da.
STR_VAR alignmnt (optional) 2DA string added to alignmnt.2da.
STR_VAR dualclas (optional) 2DA string added to dualclas.2da.
STR_VAR luabbr (optional) 2DA string added to luabbr.2da.
STR_VAR stweap (optional) 2DA string added to 25stweap.2da.
STR_VAR clab_path (optional) Path to the CLAB-style 2DA file of your kit. File is installed and reference is added to kitlist.2da. Specify filename without path to use an existing game resource instead. Omit this parameter for single class kits to inherit the CLAB of the specified source kit or parent class. Omit this parameter for multiclass kits if base_class is omitted as well.
STR_VAR kittable (optional) List of which class and race combinations the kit should be available for, as per kittable.2da. Omit to make kit available for all races. Use parameter "visible" instead if you want to make the kit unavailable for all races during character creation.
STR_VAR base_class (optional, EE-only, multiclass kits only) This parameter indicates which class the kit abilities will be tied to by default. See more details in the "Multiclass Kits" chapter below. The following single-letter class tokens are supported: [F]ighter, [P]riest, [D]ruid, [R]anger, [M]age and [T]hief.
STR_VAR clab_base_f
STR_VAR clab_base_p
STR_VAR clab_base_d
STR_VAR clab_base_r
STR_VAR clab_base_m
STR_VAR clab_base_t
(optional, EE-only, multiclass kits only) The clab_base_X parameters allow you to specify paths to CLAB-style 2DA files for individual base classes. X indicates the base class token for [f]ighter, [p]riest, [d]ruid, [r]anger, [m]age and [t]hief. It is also possible to use the parameters base_class and clab_path to set or override one of the clab_base_X parameters.
STR_VAR clsrcreq (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to clsrcreq.2da.
STR_VAR clswpbon (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to clswpbon.2da.
STR_VAR hpclass (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to hpclass.2da. If this string references a custom 2DA file, it needs to be copied into the game separately.
Note: Because of engine limitations this parameter is ignored for multiclass kits.
STR_VAR numwslot (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to numwslot.2da.
STR_VAR clascolr (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to clascolr.2da.
STR_VAR clasiskl (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to clasiskl.2da.
STR_VAR clasthac (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to clasthac.2da.
STR_VAR thiefscl (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to thiefscl.2da.
STR_VAR backstab (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to backstab.2da. Missing columns are filled with copies of the last specified value.
STR_VAR sneakatt (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to sneakatt.2da. Missing columns are filled with copies of the last specified value.
STR_VAR crippstr (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to crippstr.2da. Missing columns are filled with copies of the last specified value.
STR_VAR thiefskl (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to thiefskl.2da.
STR_VAR traplimt (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to traplimt.2da.
STR_VAR bdstweap (optional, EE-only) 2DA string added to bdstweap.2da.
RET kit_id The numeric value generated for the specified kit. This value is exactly 0x4000 less than the number your kit is assigned in kit.ids. Returns -1 if the kit couldn't be installed.

Experimental parameters for testing purposes only:

Parameter Description
INT_VAR __kits_limit_override Maximum number of supported kit entries. Default: 0 (autodetect)
INT_VAR __kits_base_value The kit base value added to "kit_id" when added to kitlist.2da or kit.ids. Default: 0x4000

Multiclass Kits

Enhanced Edition games since version 2.0 allow you to create true multiclass kits. However, the way how multiclass kits are handled by the game engine requires additional effort to properly deal with kit-specific abilities.

ADD_KIT_EX provides two ways to control which class aspect of a multiclass kit is used to apply kit-specific abilities:

  1. Specify parameters base_class and clab_path:
    base_class controls the class aspect used to apply the kit abilities defined in the table specified by clab_path. For this reason it is necessary to specify a class aspect that is covered by the kit's parent multiclass.
    The following single-letter class tokens are supported by base_class: F (for Fighter class), P (for Priest class), D (for Druid class), R (for Ranger class), M (for Mage class) and T (for Thief class). Alternatively, specify one of the symbolic class names: FIGHTER, CLERIC, DRUID, RANGER, MAGE or THIEF. Numeric class values are supported as well.

  2. Specify any of the clab_base_X parameters:
    The clab_base_X parameters can be used to set a class ability table for a specific base class. That way it is possible to assign different ability tables to individual class aspects of a multiclass kit. "X" indicates the base class token for [f]ighter, [p]riest, [d]ruid, [r]anger, [m]age and [t]hief.
    For example, for a kit based on the Fighter/Mage/Thief class you can use clab_base_f, clab_base_m and clab_base_t to assign individual ability tables to the fighter, mage and thief class aspect respectively.

Alternatively, it is also possible to override the base class by preceding CLAB table entries with a class token. This token allows you to fine-tune which ability will be applied by which class at level up. For example, to specifically assign the CLAB entry GA_SPCL423 to the thief class aspect (e.g. of a multiclass Fighter/Thief kit), precede it with T to create TGA_SPCL423.

This feature is very versatile, and can be used in a variety of scenarios. Some of the things it can do include:

  • giving a kit to a multiclass character at character creation (e.g. Swashbuckler/Mage).
  • allowing a multiclass character to have one kit for each of their classes (e.g. a Berserker/Priest of Talos).
  • allowing modders to implement their own multiclass kits that have abilities tied to each of the base classes (e.g. the Bladesinger Fighter/Mage kit).
  • allowing a single- or multiclass character to gain the benefits of multiple kits of the same class.


Only benefits granted by the class ability table are considered. Item restrictions, inherent abilities of specialist mages or other effects tied to the kit's usability flags are not covered.

Due to the length restrictions on internal names, ADD_KIT_EX can only include abilities that have internal names of 7 characters or less. Abilities with internal names of 8 characters (or more) will be skipped with warnings.


Launch ADD_KIT_EX via LAUNCH_ACTION_FUNCTION and specify the parameters you want to have set or changed.

Example of a minimalistic kit definition:

    kit_class = 4   // Parent class: Thief
    mixed     = RESOLVE_STR_REF(~Adventurer~)
    lower     = RESOLVE_STR_REF(~adventurer~)   // Not strictly necessary: will be auto-generated if omitted
    help      = RESOLVE_STR_REF(~ADVENTURER: A jack-of-all-trades...~)  // Not strictly necessary: Parent class
                                                                        // description will be used if omitted
    kit_name  = "ADVENTURER"

This function call will install a new Thief kit called "Adventurer". Omitted attributes will be derived from the kit's base class if needed. At successful execution the kit will be installed and can be identified by the numeric value returned by the "kit_id" parameter.


See function description here: readme-get_kit_ex.txt


A WeiDU function that aims at unifying WeiDU's built-in ADD_KIT and COPY_KIT as well as the complementary function fl#add_kit_ee.






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