📱 Manage traffic tickets in a modern way
In today's technological era, the frustration of navigating multiple websites and complex processes hinders productivity. A single application that minimizes steps and consolidates tasks would provide convenience and efficiency. By streamlining processes, users can save time and effortlessly accomplish their objectives within a unified platform. The objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive city-wide traffic application that streamlines all traffic-related tasks into a single, user-friendly platform. By registering with their driver's license information, users gain access to a range of features, including receiving notifications about traffic violations and making payments directly within the application. Moreover, the app allows users to conveniently search for available parking spaces and locate red-light and speeding cameras across the city. The application will be developed for iOS using the Swift programming language, incorporating Stripe's payment API for ticket transactions and Google Maps' map API for visualizing parking spots and camera locations. The key advantage of this application is its consolidation of all traffic-related information, enabling users to effortlessly access and manage various aspects of their driving experience.
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run expo and use ur own phone
npm start
# Run the app on Android simulator
npm run android
# Run the app on iOS simulator: requires a mac
npx pod-install
npm run ios
npm i --dev react-devtools (can also be global)
while the app is running:
in a seperate project terminal run: react-devtools
then hit reload app in the simulator (click OK on the tut popup to see it)
macos: shift + M in same terminal as npm start
macos: command + d : to toggle the expo menu
This project used OnBoarding-React-Native-App-Starter as a starter expo react-native app to handle basic configurations