- It is same like regression here the independent variable in text and the response variable in numeric or text
- here we need to predict the rating variable which is dependent one with the help of independent variable which is text(tokens)
- Before we pass our text into our model we need to tokenise our variable and we need to convert the text into numbers. And atlast pad_sequence is used to maintain the converted number array into same length
I had used 3 models I will explain what are the layers present in the 3 models
I have used an embedding layer that computes a word vector model for our words and here we use 16 dimension i.e our output variable in 16 dimension.
Then an LSTM layer with a Bidirectional modifier and it is used to check the flow of words in both the direction to preserve future and past memory.
Then I had use convo1D here we have text data so we used 1D and the kernel moves in 1dimension
Then I had use Maxpool to max value of the above convo 1D layer
Then flatten layer take place and it will convert things into single continuous layer
Then I have added Dropout to avoid overfitting.
Then dense is used because it is connected to all neurons and it also has the deciding authority
And above both the layer repeats thrice with relu in twice layer and softmax in the final layer
And the optimiser we used is adam and the metric we calculated is accuracy
- I have used my local system for training these deep learning models.
- CPU:Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz: 8GB
- As mentioned above we need to clean the text and we need convert them into numbers before we feed into the model.
- We can fine-tune the hyper-parameters(epoch,batch_size)of our model to enhance the performance of our model.
- Dataset link: https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/TripAdvisor_reviews_of_hotels_and_restaurants_by_gender/6255284
- Keras Documentation. Link: https://keras.io/guides/
- About text regression: https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2021/11/a-guide-to-automated-deep-machine-learning-for-natural-language-processing-text-prediction/