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Satel's Docker Python base

🧭 Purpose

This docker image is a base for Satel webapp's python backend. The standard packages we use in most projects are already installed. The folder structure and commands provide the standard framework for development and deployment to production of the app.

🏗️ Developing

There is a script included that builds both docker images and runs one of 3 cases based on the parameter you pass in:

  1. ./ validate runs the validation scripts (validatecodeonce)
  2. ./ run runs the main application.
  3. ./ cli drops you into the cli for the image

⏳ Migration from version 202205 to above

Starting with the version 202207, the docker python base does not contain any preinstalled python packages. It is now just providing a folder structure with adequate permissions for the python user, and a standard test suite.

As a consequence upgrading to version 202207 and latest requires to add the packages that used to be provided by the docker python base image. The list of packages in listed in the removed-packages.txt file.

The docker python base test image uses now poetry as it is the preferred way to manage dependencies at Satel. It can be used as an example on how to use poetry while building a python app image.

📂 Folder structure

The /python folder is the base folder for all the files of this images such as the Then the subfolders organize the app files:

  • /python/app holds the source of the app
  • /python/static holds the static files served by the app such as static html files
  • /python/logs is meant for the log files generated by the app
  • /python/files is for files uploaded through the app

🧰 Notes for maintenance

Upgrade python base image versions

  1. Go to docker hub to get the latest patch version for the python docker image
  2. Then 2 files need to be edited with the latest python minor or patch versions:
    1. .github/workflows/docker_image.yml to build and push the right images to docker hub.
    2. Dockerfile at the root (not the one in /tests) to change the default base image version. This is used only for testing while developing but better to keep it up to date.

⌨️ Commands

The entrypoint of this docker image provides standard commands for our app's docker image to call with CMD in the Dockerfile. These commands are effectively run as arguments of the entrypoint such as:

/python/ startapp

The .bashrc file contains aliases so that one can also just call startapp from within the docker container.

NOTE: If you want to run a bash command, just pass it to the docker container and it will be executed since it doesn't match one of the predefined commands. Example here running the ls command:

docker run satel/python-base:latest ls


Run the app in production mode. This is the default CMD is none is provided. The app is expected to be a FastAPI app defined in /python/app/webapp/ such that the app is executed with the command:

uvicorn --host --port 8000 webapp.main:app

You can replace webapp.main:app by setting the first argument of the startapp command such that for example:

startapp myapp:theapp

The command will try to load the from multiple locations:

  1. From the docker secrets folder
  2. From the current directory, being /python/app
  3. If the previous locations don't have a file, the file is loaded from the current directory if it exists as a fallback. This is useful for CI/CD environments for which the example values are good enough to run the tests


Run the app in development mode with watchmedo from the watchdog python package such that the app restarts whenever the code changes in /python/app. The same default location (webapp.main:app) and option to change the location as startapp are used for developapp.

The configuration file is loaded the same way as in startapp.


This command is used during development to automatically run the pytest tests, the mypy typing check and the flake8 linting check whenever the code changes.

The flake8 linting includes isort import module sorting thanks to the flake8-isort plugin.

This code validation command executes the /python/ script which can be overwritten with custom code validation.

-h Print help menu.

validatecode -h

-k Invoke Pytest option -k to run specific tests based on a substring match to the test name.

validatecode -k test_get_products


Same as validatecode but executed once rather than continously running on code change. This can be used for CI/CD purposes since it generates report files in the /python/reports folder.

-h Print help menu.

validatecodeonce -h

-k Invoke Pytest option -k to run specific tests based on a substring match to the test name.

validatecodeonce -k test_get_products

runtests (DEPRECATED)

DEPRECATED: Use validatecodeonce instead

This command runs only the pytest tests for CI/CD purposes. It outputs the tests and code coverage results in the /python/app/unittesting.xml and /python/app/coverage.xml files respectively.

A coverage configuration file can be provided at python/app/coverage.conf.