Satoshi Protocol SDK, a comprehensive toolkit for developers to integrate and interact with the Satoshi Protocol, a DeFi platform on the blockchain.
For documentation and guides, visit
For help, discussion about best practices, or any other conversation that would benefit from being searchable:
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js (version 18 or higher)
- npm, yarn, or pnpm
- Git (for cloning the repository)
Install the SDK using npm:
npm install --save satoshi-sdk
import { parseUnits, parseEther, defineChain, } from 'viem';
import { privateKeyToAccount } from 'viem/accounts';
import { SatoshiClient, getWalletClientByConfig, ProtocolConfigMap, DEBT_TOKEN_DECIMALS, wbtcABI, waitTxReceipt } from 'satoshi-sdk';
async function main() {
// Use BEVM Chain
const protocolConfig = ProtocolConfigMap.BEVM_MAINNET;
const account = privateKeyToAccount(process.env.PRIV as `0x${string}`);
const walletClient = getWalletClientByConfig(protocolConfig, account);
const satoshiClient = new SatoshiClient(protocolConfig, walletClient);
const publicClient = satoshiClient.publicClient;
// Step 1: Parse the borrowing amount and collateral amount
const borrowingAmt = parseUnits('10', DEBT_TOKEN_DECIMALS); // Converts the string '10' into a BigNumber using the specified number of decimals
const totalCollAmt = parseEther('0.1'); // Converts the Ether string '0.1' to its Wei equivalent as a BigNumber
// Step 2: convert BEVM BTC to WBTC
const collateral = protocolConfig.COLLATERALS[0];
const depositHash = await walletClient.writeContract({
chain: protocolConfig.CHAIN,
account: walletClient.account,
address: collateral.ADDRESS,
abi: wbtcABI,
functionName: 'deposit',
args: [],
value: totalCollAmt,
const wbtcReceipt = await waitTxReceipt({ publicClient, }, depositHash); // Wait for the transaction to be confirmed
// Step 3: Open a trove
const openTroveReceipt = await satoshiClient.TroveManager.doOpenTrove({