Second interation of GoBot,
GoBot is a project i am working on as i learn Go. GoBot is a PoC(Proof of Concept) Trojan that uses HTTP connections for commands and sending information.
Stopped working on this; I am a vary bad coder and don't think i can do much more myself... I will continue trying to learn to code in Go though i may never work on this project again.... If ANYONE wants you can take over this project, see what Go can do.
- Base64 Encoding/Decoding
- Uniqe ID Generation (MD5)
- Message Box
- Install
- Open Website - Visable
- Open Website - Hidden
- Single Instance
- Ring3 Rootkit (Written in C)
- Download and Run
- Open Program
- Simple to use Control Panel (PHP, HTML, SQL)
- Use the command go get
- Edit the settings to your liking in GoBot.go
- Compile GoBot.go with the other folder inside src
- Edit the Control Panels settings (Key = your login to see the control panel)
- Import the MySQL database
- Upload the Control Panel to a secure server
- Run GoBot
- Command from Control Panel (Example Panel Login:
* Do NOT use this on any computer you do not own, or are allowed to run this on.
* Credits must always be given, With linksback to here.
* You may NEVER attempt to sell this, its free and open source.
Go is a amazing and powerful programming language. If you already haven't, check it out;
Please Donate To Bitcoin Address: 1AEbR1utjaYu3SGtBKZCLJMRR5RS7Bp7eE
----------Update Log---------------------
10/11/2015 @ 5:15PM:
- Rewrote how checking internet connection is done
- New Ring3 Rootkit (
- New Install Method (
- New Control Panel
- Download and Run (for exe's)
- Run Program (exe, bat, ect..)
- Added 1 minute delay before connecting to panel (Security)
- Fixed custom "Check Command" timer
- Send basic information to Control Panel
- New DebugLog feature
- Code Cleaning
- Removed Uninstall (Have to rewrite it to work with new Rootkit and Install)
10/07/2015 @ 1:40PM:
- Rewrote GoBot.php to do the basics to test that the bot works.
10/06/2015 @ 12:00PM:
- Changed the way the command URL is handled
- Made a temporary fix for the Timer issue cousing issues with running and compiling. (woops)