A visualizer for the algorithms and data structures taught in CSE 12, 100, and 101 at UCSD. Can be viewed here - Visualizer
Completed -
- PathFinding Algorithms
- Depth First Search
- Breadth First Search
- Dijkstra's (Uniform Cost Search) Algorithm
- A*
In Progress -
- Sorting Algorithms
- Bubble Sort - Bubble the largest to the end in first iteration. Bubble the second largest to the end in the second iteration and so on... untill the whole array is sorted.
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
Pushed Trees for later (need help on css)
- Trees
- Binary Search Trees
- Tree Traversals and their uses (w/ Leetcode Problems)
- Level Order
- Pre-Order
- Post-Order
- In-Order
Planned -
- Linked List
- Hash Maps