Ever Partying with your friends and wondering what songs will make everyone groove? Ever going on a road trip and wondering what music will make everyone enjoy the journey? Well worry no more! Introducing the Spotify buddy classifier. This Recommendation system will use your playlist and your friend’s playlist and combine them to make the perfect curated playlist consisting of songs that cater to the tastes of both you and your friend.
Here’s how to get the perfect playlist in 6 simple steps:
Step 1- Please enter your own playlist in space given. Your playlist can be private or public as you have already logged into your Spotify account and we can access your Spotify playlist with the Spotify web API
Step 2- Please enter your friend’s playlist. Your friend’s playlist needs to be public as we cannot access their private playlists.
Step 3- Please enter the name you would give to your new playlist.
Step 4- Please enter the description you would like to give to your new playlist.
Step 5- Please click on generate after filling all the inputs. This will redirect you to your newly generated playlist.
Step 6- Enjoy!
Visit here: http://buddyplaylistgenerator.herokuapp.com/
Since, I am yet to get approval to my quota extension from Spotify, kindly mail me if you want to test the application.
- Generate Playlist This feature generates a playlist for you and your friend based on your music taste. Right now it is based on a very basic idea of cosine similarity, however we will explore more methods(genre analysis and more audio features) and more song data to provide better recommendations.
- Add Tracks This will help you add new tracks to any of your playlists in your profile. The main aim is to add songs to the new generated playlist, along with the songs which were already present.
- Get Playlist Will display all your playlists and help you explore it. This feature is still in development mode, as we will analyse and explore paterns it in the upcoming versions of the project
Ideation: The basic idea for the application was to recommend a group of users new music they can groove to collectively. There can be several ways users can connect with music. It can be through instrumentals, genres, lyrics , context etc. The first(and the most basic) version of the app will connect users through instumentals, audio features such as acousticness, tempo, valence etc. The reason this is the most basic version is because it does not take into account semantics or artist/genre preference. These additional factors can significantly wiegh in a user's music taste. Also, the songs are not classified based on genres in the current version. The recommendations will be purely based on audio features made available by Spotify R&D through Spotify Web API.
Data Collection: The songs dataset can be collected from here. You can create an account on AIcrowd to download the data from the resources section. We would not get individual songs from the file, rather there will be a thousand json files which will store songs in a playlist format. Accessing all the files will take a siginificant amount of time. We want a dataset wich contains songs along with their audio features, which have to be accessed through the Spotify Web API. Initially, we would only have data about songs, with some metadata.The process of collecting the data from the files is extremely lengthy as there were millions of songs in the dataset(including dupliocates). I interrupted the process in the early stages due to some time and computing limitations. Despite this, I had collected metadata for about 2 million songs. The songs were stored in a Pandas dataframe and then later exported out as a csv file. The following block contains the code.
In this tutorial, we are creating a content based recommender system. The content of a song generally pertains to its composition and metadata. For now, we are only interested in the composition, that is the audio features. Therefore next step would be to get those features for the songs which can be done by accessing the 'Get Audio Features' endpoint throught Spotify Web API. We would have to provide the song 'id' as the only parameter. The 'requests' library can be used, but we would have to define the endpoint url, headers, parameters etc. by ourselves. If one is unfamiliar with API calls, 'spotipy' library is there to the rescue. We can use the 'spotipy' library to get audio features for our tracks. An object will be created by passing an access token to the 'auth' parameter. The newly created object can call various functions offering multiple functionalities. For our use case, the
function will get us the features for each track. The function will return a dictionary with the feautures as keys for each track. Some of the features are as follows{ "name": "musical", "collaborative": "false", "pid": 5, "modified_at": 1493424000, "num_albums": 7, "num_tracks": 12, "num_followers": 1, "num_edits": 2, "duration_ms": 2657366, "num_artists": 6, "tracks": [ { "pos": 0, "artist_name": "Degiheugi", "track_uri": "spotify:track:7vqa3sDmtEaVJ2gcvxtRID", "artist_uri": "spotify:artist:3V2paBXEoZIAhfZRJmo2jL", "track_name": "Finalement", "album_uri": "spotify:album:2KrRMJ9z7Xjoz1Az4O6UML", "duration_ms": 166264, "album_name": "Dancing Chords and Fireflies" }, { "pos": 1, "artist_name": "Degiheugi", "track_uri": "spotify:track:23EOmJivOZ88WJPUbIPjh6", "artist_uri": "spotify:artist:3V2paBXEoZIAhfZRJmo2jL", "track_name": "Betty", "album_uri": "spotify:album:3lUSlvjUoHNA8IkNTqURqd", "duration_ms": 235534, "album_name": "Endless Smile" }, { "pos": 2, "artist_name": "Degiheugi", "track_uri": "spotify:track:1vaffTCJxkyqeJY7zF9a55", "artist_uri": "spotify:artist:3V2paBXEoZIAhfZRJmo2jL", "track_name": "Some Beat in My Head", "album_uri": "spotify:album:2KrRMJ9z7Xjoz1Az4O6UML", "duration_ms": 268050, "album_name": "Dancing Chords and Fireflies" }, // 8 tracks omitted { "pos": 11, "artist_name": "Mo' Horizons", "track_uri": "spotify:track:7iwx00eBzeSSSy6xfESyWN", "artist_uri": "spotify:artist:3tuX54dqgS8LsGUvNzgrpP", "track_name": "Fever 99\u00b0", "album_uri": "spotify:album:2Fg1t2tyOSGWkVYHlFfXVf", "duration_ms": 364320, "album_name": "Come Touch The Sun" } ], }
- acousticness - represents the confidence that a song is acoustic
- danceability - suitability of a song for dancing
- speechiness - detects the amount of spoken words in a song
You can read more about them here. Just like extracting the song data from the json files, the process of extracting audio features can be memory and computationally heavy. Upon that, the access token provided by Spotify might expire in the middle of the process. The access token provided are only active for a maximum of one hour, and the extraction of features of two million songs considerably takes a lot more time than an hour. Therefore, I decided to divide the songs into batches. However, the songs could not be segragated in even batches as the token used to expire during a batch was running. So the range of batches were quite random. Somtimes I took a batch of 4000 and somtimes 6000, 8000 etc. At the time of writing, I extracted features for about 96000 songs, out of which around 12000 were duplicates. The final recommendations were made out of this resulting dataset. I am regularly runnning the feature extraction script regularly to get more data. Our final dataframe will look as follows
Data Cleaning While extracting songs from playlists in the JSON files, there might be cases where the same somg will be available in two different playlists and hence, duplicates might be formed in the dataset. Upon calling
function on our dataset, we found that there are 12000 duplicates. We can drop the duplicates usingdrop_duplicate()
function. I committed a mistake of checking for duplicates only after extracting the features. I could have saved myself reasonable computational time. There are several numerical columns, like['loudness','tempo','duration_ms']
which have to be scaled to a similar scale of the other features.from sklearn.preprocessing importMinMaxScaler scaler=MinMaxScaler((0,1)) normalization_columns= ['loudness','tempo','duration_ms'] df[normalization_columns] =scaler.fit_transform(df[normalization_columns]) test[normalization_columns] =scaler.fit_transform(test[normalization_columns])
Scaling also becomes important in this case as the value of
is apporximately 10^5 the values of the other features. Due to it being large, the cosine similarity for all the rows approaches to one. You can check out why this occurs here. Below you can see the difference between the cosine similarities when the columns are scaled and when they are not. -
How to get recommendations? We will making recommendations based on the combined music tastes of two users. We have extracted their individual playlists throught links provided by them through the form. With the help of Spotipy, we extract the tracks and audio features. Our idea is to create a vector which represents the collective music taste of the users. This vector will help us recommend songs that are similar to the it. To create a vector, we would want to average out the audio features for each song. Our vector should be represented by a single row dataframe, containing representative values for the collective music taste. For numerical columns, we would find the mean, whereas for categorical columns, we would find the mode of the most common values. Finding average for categorical columns also depends upon the uniqueness of the values, as in, only those columns will be considered which have a reasonable amount of unique values. If a categorical column has too many unique values, it wont be considered in the final feature set. Our most fundamental intuition would be to average out all the rows and use it as a representative vector. However, this seems to be incorrect ,as we would have to calculate separate average for both the users and then find its arithmetic mean to get our final vector. This is done because the amount or weight of data contributed by both the users can be unequal. If user A has a playlist with say 100 songs and user B has a playlist with 200 songs, and if we take the mean of directly after merging the dataframe, songs from user B's playlist would have gotten a higher weightage in the final average. For example, consider an audio feature, acousticness. User A's playlist has 1 song with an acousticness of 0.3, whereas user B's playlist has two songs with acousticness of 0.7 each. Here, we can say, an acousticness of 0.5((0.3+0.7)/2) would be a better representation than an acousticness of 0.5677 ((0.3+0.7+0.7)/3) because user B's preferred acousticness in songs would be reported as 0.7, which is mean of user B's songs' acousticness, and user A's acousticness would be 0.3 itself. Now that we have both their feature representations, the average feature representation of their collective music taste would be a mean of the users' audio features rather than it being a mean of their individual songs. Now that we have the final vector, we are going to calculate the cosine similarity of it with each of the songs from the large song dataset. We will leverage Scikit-Learn to calculate the cosine similarity. Following this, we will have a numpy array with the cosine similarity values for each row. We can find the indices which would sort the resulting array by passing our array in
. The sorted indices list helps us index the dataframe for the top results. The following code explains the procedure:Deployment
Languages - Python, HTML, CSS
Frameworks/Libraries - Flask, Spotipy, Scikit Learn, Pandas, Numpy, Gspread
API's - Spotify Web API
The data was downloaded from Spotify's R&D webpage. You will be redirected to AIcrowd where you would have to create an account to download the data.
(https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3240323.3240342): Ching-Wei Chen, Paul Lamere, Markus Schedl, and Hamed Zamani. Recsys Challenge 2018: Automatic Music Playlist Continuation. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’18), 2018.
To run this app on your local machine,
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Saumya-svm/Spotify-Recommender-Heroku-App
Install required packages/tools
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the app
Setup your Spotify Developers Profile
- Create a Spotify Developers Account here.
- To get API access, setup a project.
- Get your clientId, clientSecret and
- Make sure the port you will be running the application on is the same as the one in the
- Assign those values to the corresponding variables in
in the 'spoitfy' package in the repo.
python run.py