PIDKiln v1.2
1.2 (2021.12.02)
- Updated SPIFFS handling to make it compatible with ESP32 2.0.x+ Arduino framework (it has change silently)
- extended error reporting for MAX31855 and thermocouples
[ADDONS] Temperature sensor A readout: Internal temp = 26.1 Last temp = 24.2 Average kiln temp = 20.9
[ADDONS] ThermocoupleA not connected
[ADDONS] MAX31855 for ThermocoupleC did not respond - lowered SPI clock value for less errors during communication handling (in MAX31855 library)
- new feature allowing grace count for errors of MAX31855 readout. Errors increases counter until reaching MAX31855_Error_Grace_Count = 5, proper readouts decrease counter (not reset).
- you can now use Wroom modules (without PSRAM) - change MALLOC definition in PIDKiln.ino
- fixed stupid stack overflow in IP display routine that could cause stack smashing