public class Savage extends Human implements Dragon {
private final String name = "Jacob";
private String[] technologies = new String[] { "Lombok", "Docker", "Jenkins", "Jira", "Git", "Linux/Unix" };
private String[] persistence = new String[] { "MongoDB", "MySQL", "SQLite", "Redis", "MariaDB" };
private String[] languages = new String[] { "Java", "GoLang", "SvelteKit", "JavaScript",
"PHP", "C#", "Lua", "Python", "Groovey", "Typescript" };
private ContactMethod preferredContactMethod = ContactMethod.SIGNAL;
public enum ContactMethod {
"JBundler" - Java bytecode bundler to combine multiple Java jars together, mergering class files.
"VoidURLs" - Generic URL shortening API written in GoLang using Gin & MongoDB
"Lazy" - Java jar code stripper used to create developer API jars without exposing method internals.
"DotJava" - Java runtime source code generator used to generate Java source code at runtime.
"Cipher" - Software licensing & client management panel utilizing Golang, SvelteKit & Docker.