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This is a 4th year project in Computer engineering, KMITL.(2024)

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Project Setup and Development Guide


  • Project setup: Clone repo, install Node.js, Docker Desktop, and Postman
  • Frontend: Create/reactivate frontend directory and install dependencies
  • Backend: Configure .env, build Docker containers, and start services
  • Deployment: Pull code, run, ensure proper .env configuration
  • Troubleshooting: Docker, PostgreSQL, and frontend issues


Before starting, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

Backend Prerequisites

Getting Started

0. Cloning the project

To clone the project from GitHub, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the project.
  3. Run the following command to clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Once the cloning process is complete, navigate into the cloned directory:
cd WealthTracking

Now you have successfully cloned the project from GitHub.

1. Create a New Branch

  • Before you start coding, make sure you are in your own branch. If your branch is not available, create a new one:
git checkout -b your-branch-name

2. Frontend Setup

Update Change Fronted to React Native

Guide to Run the Project

  1. Check the Project Folder Path The project folder is located at this path cd .\frontend\V2.0

  2. Run the Web Version Open a terminal in the project folder and run the following command to start the Expo development server: npx expo start -After running the command, the terminal will display a QR code and some instructions.

  • To view the web version, press w on your keyboard. This will open the project in a browser.

  • You can also refer to this guide for creating your first app with Expo: Expo - Create Your First App

  1. Run the App on Your Phone (Optional)
  • Download the Expo Go app on your phone from App Store or Google Play:

  • Sign in to Expo Go: Open the Expo Go app and sign in with your Expo account (if you don’t have one, create it).

  • Scan the QR Code: After you run npx expo start in the terminal, you will see a QR code. Open the camera on your phone and scan the QR code that appears in the terminal.

  • Once scanned, Expo Go will automatically open and load the app you’re developing.

3. Backend Setup

  1. Download and install Docker Desktop.
  2. Create a .env file in the root directory (same level as ~/backend, ~/.vscode, ~/design, ~/frontend, ~/project_structure.txt) with the following keys and values(or your desired value):
# NODE_ENV=production
# NODE_ENV=test

POSTGRES_USER=<username> # your desired username for connecting to the db
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password> # your desired password for connecting to the db
POSTGRES_HOST=postgres # docker service name
# POSTGRES_DB=your_database_name
DB_RESET=false # tldr: recreate all tables.; usually use when there is a new configuration in any part of the db either triggering function or table schema


EASYSLIP_KEY=<your-easyslip-api-key> #

GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<your-google-client-id> # examine in GCP,
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<your-google-client-secret> # examine in GCP,

PROJECT_NAME=<project-name> # examine in GCP,
PROJECT_ID=<project-id> # examine in GCP,
PROJECT_NUMBER=<project-number> # examine in GCP,

DOCUMENT_AI_PROCESSOR_ID=<processor-id> # examine in GCP,
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/usr/src/WealthTrack/.src/configs/service-account.json # download json key file from nodeJsDocumentAi service-account,

GEMINI_KEY=<your-own-key> #
GEMINI_MAPPING_MODEL=gemini-2.0-flash-exp # for long token usage

GOOGLE_SHEET_ID=<logMonitoringSheetId> # only in production
  1. Open Docker Desktop.
  2. In the project root directory, build and start the Docker container:
docker-compose up -d --build
  1. Check your app with Postman or Browser at localhost:APP_PORT.

4. Running the Backend

To watch for changes in the backend, you need to stop and restart the Docker container after making modifications:

  1. Stop the container:
docker-compose down
  1. Build and start the container again:
docker-compose up -d --build
  1. Check your app with Postman or Browser at localhost:PORT.


Server Deployment Guide

  1. Prerequisites

    • Docker installed and running
    • Docker compose installed
    • Node.js (optional, for local development)
    • Git for pulling the latest changes
  2. Deployment Steps

# 1. Pull the latest code from repository
git pull origin main --recurse-submodules

# 2. Run the deployment script

The script will:

  • Pull the latest code
  • Build the application
  • Start the server containers
  1. Environment Variables Ensure you have a proper .env file configured with production values:


    Refer to the .env template in the project root for all required variables.

  2. Health Check The server includes automatic health checks that will:

    • Verify database connectivity
    • Check API endpoint responsiveness
    • Restart containers if health checks fail
  3. Error Handling

    • Container restart: If a container fails, it will automatically restart
    • Docker daemon monitoring: The system will attempt to restart Docker if it becomes unresponsive
    • Cron job: Automatic health monitoring (Linux only)
  4. Security Considerations

    • Ensure proper permissions for Docker socket
    • Keep environment files secure
    • Regularly update dependencies
    • Monitor container logs
  5. Troubleshooting

Common Issues:

  • Docker Daemon Not Running:
    sudo systemctl restart docker
  • Health Check Failing:
  • Container Crashing:
    docker logs <container_name> --tail=100
  1. Cron Job (Linux only)

The deployment includes an automatic health check cron job that will:

  • Check server status every 5 minutes
  • Restart the server if it becomes unresponsive


  • Examine the design directory to understand how the backend works.
  • to fully-rebuild, you also need to do the Frontend Setup
  • testing is perform outside the Docker, so you need to use npm i to download the dependencies.
  • Remember, you don't need to rebuild every time unless:
    • You've made changes to your Dockerfile
    • You've added or updated dependencies in your package.json
    • You've made changes to your source code that aren't reflected in the container due to volume mounts

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

  • Issue 1: If the backend is not connecting to PostgreSQL, ensure your .env file has the correct values and Docker Desktop is running.
  • Issue 2: If the frontend is not starting, make sure all dependencies are installed with npm install.
  • Issue 3: you might want to remove the docker volume for some reason (eg. modifying the .env file, need to remove the volume to make a change to affect). which can be done by this step:
    • Stop your Docker containers: docker-compose down
    • Remove the volume: docker volume rm <your_project_name_postgres_data> If you're unsure about the exact volume name, you can list all volumes with docker volume ls and look for the one related to your data.


  • to list the structure, navigate to your desired directory and use this command tree /F /A > project_structure.txt (Only Windows)
    • tree: Displays the directory structure
    • /F: Displays the names of the files in each folder
    • /A option tells the tree command to use ASCII characters instead of extended characters. This will produce output using "|" and "+" symbols
    • > backend_structure.txt: Redirects the output to a text file named "backend_structure.txt"
  • to undo the lastest git local commit use this command git reset --soft HEAD~1


This is a 4th year project in Computer engineering, KMITL.(2024)






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