This is a simple app using a machine learning api that based on technology called "Natural Language Processing (NLP)", that mean to understand human language as it is spoken and written, that what this app is made for...
- when you run the app you will be asked to provide a valid url.
- after you entered the url the app will check if it valid or not if its not valid u will see the url color will be in red.
- once that app sure of the url u can hit search icon or press Enter to make the search.
- the app will take a momment to analysis the given url site content to then the results will be appears in the Site result section.
- if there is no content in the site an error message will appear to confirem that no content on that site to be analysed.
- last thing you cant make more that one request while there is current analysing process is going you have to wait untill it done.
- EVALUATE NEWS App Project uses:-
- Webpack 5 as a compiler.
- babel-loader and babel presets for react too.
- react and react-dome for the ui.
- Express server made to manage req and res and also the returned data from the external api.
- sass-loader with sass tech for styling. + mini-css-extract-plugin for output main css file.
- html-webpack-plugin for managing the index html to make it works well with react.
- offline mode is working too with the help of google service worker.
you have to check if you have Node.js on you pc To run this project, you just type "npm install" then "npm start" in the terminal to start the node server on port 5000 and it will show the files in the dist folder.
npm run build-dev for dev command is for development build. npm run build-prod for prod command is for production build.
npm test for testing files in js folder.
- then u can uses the build commendes to build the app and output will be in a folder called "dist" folder.
- this app will work also in the offline mode.