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The application to get RDS into the new OC Web, the old OC Classic and a standalone interface.

This application currently only supports the classic backend, which is written in php. Not the ocis backend in golang!

Production Setup


First you have to checkout this repository. (Currently, most packages are not published as containers in dockerhub, because they are in a work-in-progress state.)

git checkout
cd RDS-Web
git submodule update --init --recursive


Notice: This installs an instance for owncloud classic and the new interface web. If you do not want this, you need to make the changes on your own.

You need to adjust the following configuration files:

  • /.env
  • /setup/web.config.json
  • /setup/production-configuration.json

If you do not find this files in your folder, you have to cp the example files, which are placed next to the mentioned files. For example, you have to do this:

cp .env.example .env
cp setup/web.config.json.example setup/web.config.json
cp setup/production-configuration.json.example setup/production-configuration.json

Notice: If you need to adjust the nginx configuration, please change the setup/misc/nginx/nginx.edge.conf file to your needs. All .env envvar`s are described further down this README.

While you configure all files, you will need oauth2 informations from ownCloud for the web interface. You could generate them by yourself to set them with force. This is the most convenient way: You need 2 tokens with only letters and a length of 64 from your favourite password generator.

But you can do it the long way: First you need to start the ownCloud instance (or open up your already running one) and activate oauth2 app. Then you can generate the oauth2 informations for a new .

docker-compose -f setup/docker-compose.yml --env-file .env up -d owncloud
@docker exec -it owncloud_server /bin/bash -c "occ market:install oauth2 && occ market:install web && occ app:enable oauth2"

Now open your browser and open the owncloud, which should be http://localhost/index.php/settings/admin?sectionid=authentication. The name does not matter, but the redirect url have to be http://localhost/web/oidc-callback.html.

If you want to change the domain, you need to setup OWNCLOUD_DOMAIN in .env file before you start up the owncloud instance.

Now you have all informations you need for the files.

For describo-online configuration, please take a look here. Notice, that the secret value in production-configuration.json needs to be equal with envvar DESCRIBO_API_SECRET in file .env. For oc-Web you find the documentation here.

Development Setup

If you want to develope for this software, you do not want to restart docker container everytime you change something. For a better developer experience, we choose a different approach to setup.


This application needs different software for different integrations.

For all, you need:


For the server backend (owncloud classic and rds), you need:

[php composer](

Docker-compose file can be found in /client/dev/docker-compose.yml. Composer package file can be found in /client/packages/classic/php/composer.json.

For webfrontend, you need:

npm lts

Best option for npm is nvm nvm install --lts) Yarn is needed, because of the workspace feature npm install yarn. All nodejs dependencies can be installed through yarn --cwd client install.


In /client/dev/ocis you can find the sourcecode for ocis. Currently, we do not develope our software for this backend, so we only use the owncloud classic backend. But for further development, this sourcecode will be needed. For this software, we will need the following software:


Run git submodule update --init --recursive to pull ocis and web servercode.

Steps for development environment

If you use ubuntu, you can use for some dependencies make install in root. Otherwise, please follow the steps.


First, you should think about, what you want to develope. You have the choice of:

  • standalone
  • owncloud classic
  • owncloud web

standalone means, you will be redirected to an oauth server, which handles the login and redirects back, so the user only sees the RDS App in whole. The application does not have any access to informations about the user except the oauth2 access token. This problem will be handled through the rds backend server.

owncloud classic means, that the old frontend of owncloud will be used for integration. This is the easierst form of integration, because the standalone app can be loaded and initialized in the same context as the user runs the frontend. Here we will use a jwt for authentication, which will be evaluated on the rds server side.

owncloud web is the new standard of owncloud, which implements all extension in vue. This comes with a lot of new problems, so we handle this with an iframe. The communication between the 2 separate windows will be through the event bus of the browser. Here we will use a jwt for authentication, too.

If you have make your choice (you can also choose all three, but then you have to make all steps for e.g. you have to generate 2 clients in your oauth server).


In the following sections, you read a lot about ports. Here you have an overview, which port comes from which service.

Port Description
8000 Owncloud classic
8080 Python Backend Server, which manages login for websocket and proxy for vue dev server.
8082 OC Web extension vue dev server, which manages the integration of RDS into OC Web.
8085 Vue dev Server for RDS Standalone App
8100 Vue dev Server for Describo Standalone App
9100 new owncloud web vue dev server
9200 ocis frontend, which proxies requests to port 9100 (currently not used)


We use the dotenv mechanic to provide a simple interface for configuration, which is compatible with the environment workflow of docker and kubernetes. So please configure the .env file to your needs.

cp .env.example .env
vi .env
fieldname description default
OWNCLOUD_URL The url to your owncloud instance. http://localhost:8000
OWNCLOUD_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID The client identifier from your oauth2 provider. ABC
OWNCLOUD_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET The client secret from your oauth2 provider. XYZ
OWNCLOUD_OAUTH_CLIENT_REDIRECT The client redirect url from your oauth2 provider.
EMBED_MODE Set this to True, if you want to use the app in embed mode. False means standalone mode. True
RDS_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN Set this URL to your RDS backend installation. If this is not available for server, you will get authentication errors. http://localhost:9900
FLASK_ORIGINS Set here all origins from requests can come. Otherwise it will be rejected through CORS. ["http://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:8085", "http://localhost:8000", "http://localhost:9100"]
OWNCLOUD_OAUTH_CLIENT_REDIRECT Set this URL for redirection on serverside through http statuscode 302. This needs to be the value, which you specify on your oauth2 provider side. http://localhost:8080
VUE_APP_DESCRIBO_URL Set this URL for your describo instance. http://localhost:8100
VUE_APP_FRONTENDHOST Set this URL to your frontend host. http://localhost:8080
VUE_APP_SOCKETIO_HOST Set this URL to your socketio host. In this implementation, it is the same as frontendhost. http://localhost:8080
DEV_WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_HOST Set this URL to your vue app host, so the frontend host can proxy requests. "http://localhost:8085"
VERIFY_SSL Set this to True, if you want to verify ssl certs. False if you do not want that. False
DEV_FLASK_DEBUG Set this to True, if you want more debug informations in console. True
DEV_USE_PROXY Set this to True, if you want to use the server as a proxy for vue app. Only for development use, not for production! True
DEV_USE_PREDEFINED_USER Set this to True, if you want to use a predefined user. Only for development use, not for production! False
DEV_FLASK_USERID Set the userId, which should be used, when DEV_USE_PREDEFINED_USER is True. test
SECRET_KEY This env var can be set, if you want to reuse flask encrypted data after a server restart. Otherwise it will generate everytime a new secret, which cannot be used do decrypt the informations of a previous execution. ""
OWNCLOUD_OAUTH_CLIENT_AUTHORIZE_URL The authorize url for owncloud, so sciebo-rds can you redirect to it for authorization. http://localhost/apps/oauth2/authorize
DESCRIBO_API_ENDPOINT The describo api endpoint to create a session from rds backend. http://localhost:9000/api/session/application
DESCRIBO_API_SECRET The describo secret, which was specified in production-configuration.json, so sciebo-rds can authenticated against describo. IAMSECRET
OWNCLOUD_VERSION The owncloud version which will be setup. 10.7
OWNCLOUD_DOMAIN The owncloud domain localhost
HTTP_PORT The owncloud port 8000
ADMIN_USERNAME The owncloud admin accountname. admin
ADMIN_PASSWORD The owncloud admin password. admin
ADMIN_MAIL The owncloud admin mailaddress. not@valid.tld
SOCKETIO_HOST The socketio host for sciebo-rds. http://localhost
SOCKETIO_PATH The socketio path for sciebo-rds. /rds/
RDS_URL The url for sciebo-rds to load it in iframe http://localhost:80/rds

The REDIRECTION_URL and OWNCLOUD_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET fields can only be set up correctly, when you start up the corresponding oauth backend before. So you have to start the backends and configure the .env file properly. After this, you can stop everything and can use the receipts in the corresponding sections for use.

For easier access, you should start only the owncloud backend with the following commands and enable the oauth2 and rds app and add a new oauth2 path in the settings, which is described here, here and here.

docker-compose -f client/dev/docker-compose.yml up -d

Now open the url http://localhost:8000 in your favourite browser and enable and setup all needed apps. For oauth, you will need one client for domain http://localhost:9100/oidc-callback.html, when you want to develope for OC Web. If you want to develope for standalone, you will need a client for domain localhost:8080. After this, you have all informations to configure the .env correctly. Now, you can continue with the setup.

Remind: If you delete all docker-resources (e.g. with docker system prune --volumes), you have to do all steps before again to get valid values for .env file.

Client setup

Install all nodejs dependencies.

yarn --cwd client install
yarn --cwd client/dev/web install

Now, you have to configure the OC Web server

cp client/dev/web/config/config.json.sample-oc10 client/dev/web/config/config.json
vi client/dev/web/config/config.json

In the config.json, you have to specify your owncloud classic backend (in docker-compose specified with localhost:8000, you access it before in your browser) and set your clientId, which you generate previously in oauth2 app inside of your owncloud classic instance. This is also described here. When you want to change the config.php of the owncloud classic backend, you can get this done with docker exec -it dev_owncloud_1 /bin/bash -c vi config/config.php.

Beware: You have to change the port from 8080 to 8000 in the fields url and authUrl. Then, you have to add our RDS application in external_apps field. Copy the following code snippet and add it to the array.

    "id": "rds",
    "path": "http://localhost:8082/index.js",
    "config": {
        "url": "http://localhost:8080",
        "describo": "http://localhost:8090"

If you use the owncloud classic backend, you will need to install the php dependencies, too.

composer install --working-dir=client/packages/classic/php

Server setup

Install the python dependencies.

cd server
pipenv install

Start the development environments

For easier access, we provide a makefile in root folder.

Beware: For development and production, you need access to a working RDS instance. For example through VPN with openconnect or a ssh tunnel ssh -L 1443:<your-k8s-rds-installation>:443 <jumphost>.<institution> to an already existing one or use minikube for smaller test environments. See this guide for more.

If you want to start the environment for standalone, use the standalone receipt.

make standalone

If you want to start the environment for owncloud classic with classic ui, use the classic receipt.

make classic

If you want to start the environment for ownclouds new ui OC Web with classic backend, use the web receipt.

make web

If you want to start the environment for owncloud new ui OC Web with ocis backend, we currently have no receipt.

Run tests

Runs the tests for vue and python after each other. If the first one fails, then the second one will not executed.

make test

Compiles and minifies for production in standalone

We use docker to create containers. This will build a single server, which serves the frontend under port 8080. This can be build with the following command, which will be stored in the local container storage under the name "rds-web".

docker build -t rds-web

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Client Localization

We are using vue-gettext-cli for the localization of our client app. You can find a tutorial on their github page. With the following command, every localizaton will be find in the client source code.

make l10n-extract

After the extraction, you can change the placeholders in folder /client/packages/codebase/translations/locales in any needed language (currently configured: englisch (default), german). Now, you need to compile it for loading with the following command:

make l10n-compile

Now, you have to build and distribute your client app again. In our case, it will be published through a docker container.

Token Storage <-> Describo decoupling

Because of the mechanic behind describo, there is a need for a helper functionality. Describo needs some informations to setup a session. This session and the corresponding id will be presented to the user via websocket through the python server. At this point, describo already needs the access token from sciebo RDS, but this token will be refreshed every 60 minutes automatically, so the first access token will be invalid at this time. So there comes the helper functionality into play, which listens for such an event to update the corresponding session id, so the user does not take any notice of this procedure. The helper functionality is implemented in rust in the helper microservice`. The token storage publishes the event via the already used redis within a pubsub-key. The helper will take notice of this and lookup for the corresponding username and the session id for describo in redis (which will be placed by the python server for later usage for example in replicas). So the helper will make the request to update the new access token in describo without the need to create a separate thread in the python server. The rust helper microservice is so limited and easy, you can understand it without deep knowledge of rust. :) It is already build with replicants and many requests in pipeline in mind.

Docker Deployment

We use an internal gitlab to build and store the docker container. But it is public available, so please take a look at our gitlab registry to get the container. The pipeline will be triggered for all branches, so you can easily create a pull request and take advantage of this "easy to use"-pipeline.

You can use the RDS-Web docker container with this url:<TAG>. The following table show you all needed tags.

Tag Description
latest The latest build over all branches. This is not recommended for production use.
main The latest build for the main branch. Not for production use.
<NUMBER> The build with pipeline-identifier <NUMBER>. For production use, set your wanted identifier, so you get always the same container.
<BRANCHNAME> The same like main, but for general branchnames.


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