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Scooter Radar is a software application suite that allows you to track available scooters from various electric scooter sharing companies in your area.


Escooter Radar Backend is the backend of Scooter Radar


Electric Scooter

Electric scooters (e-scooter) are defined as motorized bicycles propelled by human power or by a combination of human power and an electric motor. Electric scooters are easy to ride and let you breeze up and down hills without even breaking a drop of sweat.

Recently, electric kick scooters (e-scooters) have grown in popularity with the introduction of scooter-sharing systems that use apps allowing users to rent the scooters by the minute.

Scooter-Sharing System

A scooter-sharing system is a shared transport service in which electric motorized scooters (also referred to as e-scooters) are made available to use for short-term rentals. E-scooters are typically "dockless", meaning that they do not have a fixed home location and are dropped off and picked up from certain locations in the service area.

Scooter-sharing systems work towards providing the public with a fast and convenient mode of transport for last-mile mobility in urban areas. Due to the growing popularity of scooter-sharing, municipal governments have enforced regulations on e-scooters to increase rider and pedestrian safety while avoiding the accrual of visual pollution. Scooter-sharing systems are one of the least expensive and most popular micromobility options.

API Manual

API Base Url

API Routes

  • api/scooter/provider?company={company}

company being the name of the company that you want to get the scooters from.

  • api/scooter/location/zone?city={city}

city being the name of the area or city where you want to get the scooters.

  • api/scooter/location/within?latitude={lat}&longitude={lon}&degree={degree}

lat being the latitude of where you want the scooters to be near.
lon being the longitude of where you want the scooters to be near.
degree being the degree in which you want the scooters to be.

  • api/scooter/location/near?latitude={lat}&longitude={lon}&limit={nbOfScooters}

lat being the latitude of where you want the scooters to be near.
lon being the longitude of where you want the scooters to be near.
nbOfScooters being the number of scooters near the location you want to get.

Endpoints Examples

Getting all Pony e-scooters :

Getting the e-scooters in Brussels :

Getting all the e-scooters within a distance of 5,55 km of a given location :

Getting the 100 nearest e-scooters to a given location :

Converting distance from kilometer to degree

Degrees Kilometers
111 km
0.1° 11.1 km
0.01° 1.11 km
0.001° 111 m
0.0001° 11.1 m
0.00001° 1.11 m
0.000001° 0.11 m

JSON Scheme of an e-scooter


Test it yourself


Without a ssh key:

$ git clone

With a ssh key:

$ git clone

Launch docker compose:
You need docker installed and added to your PATH environment variables. If its not, download docker here

$ docker-compose up -d


You need gradle installed and added to your PATH environment variables. If its not, download gradle here

In the project directory, you can run:

$ gradle bootrun


After running the command above go to one of the following endpoints

To get the e-scooters from a certain escooter sharing company:

To get the e-scooters located in a particular city:

To get the e-scooters located around a certain location:

To get the x nearest e-scooters a certain location:


  • Lime
  • Pony
  • Bird
  • Spin
  • maybe more in the future...

NB: I'm highly dependent on the data made available by the scooter suppliers, so if the api doesn't show the scooters in your city, don't be harsh on me 😥


  • Ayoub Lahyaoui