This software is specifically designed for seabird mapping uploads, currently supporting only the Seabirds theme
. It processes image folders, such as those created by DJI Enterprise drones during repeated missions, and restructures them into a format compatible with SeaBee's MinIO storage. The program also generates the necessary configuration files for processing the images through the SeaBee pipeline.
The software is intended for fieldwork scenarios where images are captured across multiple drone missions. After each field day, the drone's SD card can be copied to a backup drive, preserving their original folder structure. The software then restructures these folders and copies them to another hard drive before uploading them to the cloud. This ensures there are always two local backups during the field campains, in addition to an off-site backup stored on MinIO.
- In a merged group, differences in the creator name are not respected as long as the folders are merged. It will use the last creator name for each merged group.
- If you have a non-mission folder you want merged, you need to add a name/fourth element to the folder name. For example, change
before running the program. Note: This will run the images in the pipeline and attempt to use OpenDroneMap, so ensure you have enough overlap between images.
To enable the software to upload data to SeaBee, you need to install rclone. The easiest setup for Windows, where you don't have admin privileges, is as follows:
Download rclone:
- Download the zip file for your system from
Configure rclone:
- Open the command prompt and run:
"C:/absolute/path/to/rclone.exe" config
- Add a new configuration:
- Name:
- Type:
- Provider:
- Endpoint:
- ACL:
- Secret Access Key: Your access key (password)
- Access Key ID: Your access ID (username)
- Name:
Test the rclone configuration:
"C:/absolute/path/to/rclone.exe" lsd minio:
The program uses defaults.txt
to store default values. After setting up rclone, you will need to update the defaultrclonecommand
in the defaults.txt
file on your computer.
creator_name=Sindre Molværsmyr
project=SEAPOP Kartlegging 2025
defaultrclonecommand="C:/absolute/path/to/rclone.exe" copy LOCAL minio:seabirds/2024 --progress
- In the
is replaced with the SeaBee path set in the program, while the beginning of the path refers to therclone.exe
file on your local system. - If
is on your system’sPATH
, the path torclone.exe
can be replaced with justrclone
A pre-compiled .exe
file is availible under releases.
pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --icon=seabee.ico --add-data "C:/absolute/path/to/location_icon.png;." --add-data "C:/absolute/path/to/seabee.ico;."
Note: The exe
file might give an error that you don't have permission to open it. This can usually be solved by just trying to open it again.
- If the
gives a permission error, try running it again. - If rclone is not functioning, ensure that the path to
is correct and that the configuration has been tested successfully.