This is an implementation of Minesweeper in Scala for the class Software Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences HTWG Konstanz.
- Has a folder structure prepared for an application build in MVC style
- Has ScalaTest and ScalaMock at their latest versions as dependencies
- Has sbt-scalariform, sbt-scapegoat, scalastyle-sbt-plugin and sbt-scoverage sbt plugins
- Has .gitignore defaults
- h for help
- new to start a new game
- exit to quit the game
- 1 for beginner grid
- 2 for advanced grid
- 3 for expert grid
- 4 to set a custom grid with parameters in the next line (height) (width) (mines)
- (row) (column) to set a cell
- f (row) (column) to set a flag
- s to solve the current game
- save to save the current grid
- load to load the last saved grid