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Config Guide

bora edited this page Jun 27, 2024 · 3 revisions

Below is a full guide to each and every section of the config. Originally featured in the config.txt itself, but moved here so that the config.txt isn't so crowded.


  • AIM_KEY: Shift

    • Change to any key in the keybinds list (check keybind_list.txt).
  • SWITCH_MODE_KEY: F5 (set to disabled to turn off)

    • Change between toggling and holding with the AIM_KEY. By default, pressing AIM_KEY toggles the aimbot on and off. If you press F5, it'll only be active when holding it.
  • UPDATE_KEY: F6 (set to disabled to turn off)

Field of View (FOV)

  • FOV_KEY_UP: ctrl+] (set to disabled to turn off)
  • FOV_KEY_DOWN: ctrl+[ (set to disabled to turn off)
  • CAM_FOV: 95
  • AIM_FOV: 70
    • Don't make AIM_FOV bigger than CAM_FOV. Keep the CAM_FOV fairly large; AIM_FOV is the only one that controls how blatant it is.

Aim Speed

  • AIM_SPEED_X: 0.4
  • AIM_SPEED_Y: 0.4
    • High speeds can cause stuttering and shaking, so don't go too high.

Aim Smoothening

  • SMOOTHENING: enabled/disabled
    • Makes plays look more legit. Credits to AndrewDarkYY for making the original method.

Aim Offset

  • AIM_OFFSET_Y: 10
    • If it aims too far to the left, decrease the X offset. If it's too far to the right, increase it.
    • If it aims too high up, increase the Y offset. If it aims too far down (doesn't hit headshots), decrease the Y offset.


  • TRIGGERBOT: enabled/disabled
    • Automatically shoots. To disable, change TRIGGERBOT to disabled.
    • Delay before shooting to look legit. 80 - 100 is recommended.
    • TRIGGERBOT_DISTANCE is how close it needs to be to auto shoot. You probably don't have to change it.

Color Settings

  • COLOR: (put a color here)

    • Set the color of enemies to aim at. Options: Yellow, Blue, Pink/Magenta/Purple, Green, Cyan, Red, Black, or Aimblox (for Arcade and Competitive only).
    • If you're playing Bad Business, use 0000ff with outline transparency set to 0.
    • Note: Black is not recommended as it will aim at random things, and Red is also not recommended for Arsenal.
  • UPPER_COLOR: 0, 0, 0

  • LOWER_COLOR: 0, 0, 0

    • These are the color values for black, so you need to change them according to the guide linked above.
    • Make a custom color using: Custom Color Guide. Remember to change COLOR to custom.


  • HIDE_CONSOLE: enabled/disabled

    • Hides the menu entirely. Note that you won't be able to tell if the colorbot is on or not and will have to use Task Manager to close it.
  • SHOW_FOV: enabled/disabled

    • Creates an overlay, a circle that represents the size of your FOV
  • CAM_FOV_COLOR: 0-255, 0-255, 0-255

    • Color of the Cam FOV circle. RGB, not HSV like the custom color.
  • AIM_FOV_COLOR: 0-255, 0-255, 0-255

    • Color of the Aim FOV circle. RGB, not HSV like the custom color.
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