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  1. About
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Configuration
    1. Main configuration
    2. Ad configuration
    3. Using an existing browser window
  5. Development Notes
  6. License


kleinanzeigen-bot is a console based application to ease publishing of ads to

It is the spiritual successor to Second-Hand-Friends/ebayKleinanzeigen with the following advantages:

  • supports Microsoft Edge browser (Chromium based)
  • does not require selenium and chromedrivers
  • better captcha handling
  • config:
    • use YAML or JSON for config files
    • one config file per ad
    • use globbing (wildcards) to select images from local disk via wcmatch
    • reference categories by name (looked up from categories.yaml)
  • logging is configurable and colorized
  • provided as self-contained executable for Windows, Linux and macOS
  • source code is pylint/bandit/mypy checked and uses Python type hints
  • CI builds


Installation using pre-compiled exe

  1. The following components need to be installed:

    1. Chromium, Google Chrome, or Chromium based Microsoft Edge browser
  2. Open a command/terminal window

  3. Download and run the app by entering the following commands:

    1. On Windows:

      curl -L -o kleinanzeigen-bot.exe
      kleinanzeigen-bot --help
    2. On Linux:

      curl -L -o kleinanzeigen-bot
      chmod 755 kleinanzeigen-bot
      ./kleinanzeigen-bot --help
    3. On macOS:

      curl -L -o kleinanzeigen-bot
      chmod 755 kleinanzeigen-bot
      ./kleinanzeigen-bot --help

Installation using Docker

  1. The following components need to be installed:
    1. Docker
    2. Bash (on Windows e.g. via Cygwin, MSys2 or git)
    3. X11 - X Window System display server (on Windows e.g.

Running the docker image:

  1. Ensure the X11 Server is running

  2. Run the docker image:

    X11_DISPLAY= # replace with IP address of workstation where X11 server is running
    DATA_DIR=/var/opt/data/kleinanzeigen-bot # path to config
    # /mnt/data is the container's default working directory
    docker run --rm --interactive --tty \
      --shm-size=256m \
      -e DISPLAY=$X11_DISPLAY \
      -v $DATA_DIR:/mnt/data \ \

Installation from source

  1. The following components need to be installed:

    1. Chromium, Google Chrome, or Chromium based Microsoft Edge browser
    2. Python 3.10 or newer
    3. pip
    4. git client
  2. Open a command/terminal window

  3. Clone the repo using

    git clone
  4. Change into the directory:

    cd kleinanzeigen-bot
  5. Install the Python dependencies using:

    pip install pdm
    pdm install
  6. Run the app:

    pdm run app --help

Installation from source using Docker

  1. The following components need to be installed:

    1. Docker
    2. git client
    3. Bash (on Windows e.g. via Cygwin, MSys2 or git)
    4. X11 - X Window System display server (on Windows e.g.
  2. Clone the repo using

    git clone
  3. Open the cloned directory in a Bash terminal window and navigate to the docker subdirectory

  4. Execute bash

  5. Ensure the image is build:

    $ docker image ls
    REPOSITORY                            TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
    second-hand-friends/kleinanzeigen-bot latest   c31fd256eeea   1 minute ago  590MB
    python                                3-slim   2052f0475488   5 days ago    123MB

Running the docker image:

  1. Ensure the X11 Server is running

  2. Run the docker image:

    X11_DISPLAY= # replace with IP address of workstation where X11 server is running
    DATA_DIR=/var/opt/data/kleinanzeigen-bot # path to config
    # /mnt/data is the container's default working directory
    docker run --rm --interactive --tty \
      --shm-size=256m \
      -e DISPLAY=$X11_DISPLAY \
      -v $DATA_DIR:/mnt/data \
      second-hand-friends/kleinanzeigen-bot \


Usage: kleinanzeigen-bot COMMAND [OPTIONS]

  publish  - (re-)publishes ads
  verify   - verifies the configuration files
  delete   - deletes ads
  download - downloads one or multiple ads
  help     - displays this help (default command)
  version  - displays the application version

  --ads=all|due|new|<id(s)> (publish) - specifies which ads to (re-)publish (DEFAULT: due)
        Possible values:
        * all: (re-)publish all ads ignoring republication_interval
        * due: publish all new ads and republish ads according the republication_interval
        * new: only publish new ads (i.e. ads that have no id in the config file)
        * <id(s)>: provide one or several ads by ID to (re-)publish, like e.g. "--ads=1,2,3" ignoring republication_interval
  --ads=all|new|<id(s)> (download) - specifies which ads to download (DEFAULT: new)
        Possible values:
        * all: downloads all ads from your profile
        * new: downloads ads from your profile that are not locally saved yet
        * <id(s)>: provide one or several ads by ID to download, like e.g. "--ads=1,2,3"
  --force           - alias for '--ads=all'
  --keep-old        - don't delete old ads on republication
  --config=<PATH>   - path to the config YAML or JSON file (DEFAULT: ./config.yaml)
  --logfile=<PATH>  - path to the logfile (DEFAULT: ./kleinanzeigen-bot.log)
  -v, --verbose     - enables verbose output - only useful when troubleshooting issues

Limitation of download: It's only possible to extract the cheapest given shipping option.


All configuration files can be in YAML or JSON format.

1) Main configuration

When executing the app it by default looks for a config.yaml file in the current directory. If it does not exist it will be created automatically.

The configuration file to be used can also be specified using the --config <PATH> command line parameter. It must point to a YAML or JSON file. Valid file extensions are .json, .yaml and .yml

The following parameters can be configured:

# wild card patterns to select ad configuration files
# if relative paths are specified, then they are relative to this configuration file
  - "./**/ad_*.{json,yml,yaml}"

# default values for ads, can be overwritten in each ad configuration file
  active: true
  type: OFFER # one of: OFFER, WANTED
    prefix: ""
    suffix: ""
  shipping_costs: # e.g. 2.95
  sell_directly: false # requires shipping_options to take effect
    name: ""
    street: ""
    phone: "" # IMPORTANT: surround phone number with quotes to prevent removal of leading zeros
  republication_interval: 7 # every X days ads should be re-published

# additional name to category ID mappings, see default list at
 #Notebooks: 161/278 # Elektronik > Notebooks
 #Autoteile: 210/223/sonstige_autoteile # Auto, Rad & Boot > Autoteile & Reifen > Weitere Autoteile

# browser configuration
    - --disable-dev-shm-usage
    - --no-sandbox
    # --headless
    # --start-maximized
  binary_location: # path to custom browser executable, if not specified will be looked up on PATH
  extensions: [] # a list of .crx extension files to be loaded
  use_private_window: true
  user_data_dir: "" # see
  profile_name: ""

# login credentials
  username: ""
  password: ""

2) Ad configuration

Each ad is described in a separate JSON or YAML file with prefix ad_<filename>. The prefix is configurable in config file.

Parameter values specified in the ad_defaults section of the config.yaml file don't need to be specified again in the ad configuration file.

The following parameters can be configured:

active: # true or false
type: # one of: OFFER, WANTED
description: # can be multiline, see syntax here

# built-in category name as specified in
# or custom category name as specified in config.yaml
# or category ID (e.g. 161/27)
category: Notebooks

price: # without decimals, e.g. 75
price_type: # one of: FIXED, NEGOTIABLE, GIVE_AWAY

  # haus_mieten.zimmer_d: value # Zimmer

shipping_type: # one of: PICKUP, SHIPPING, NOT_APPLICABLE
shipping_costs: # e.g. 2.95

# specify shipping options / packages
# it is possible to select multiple packages, but only from one size (S, M, L)!
# possible package types for size S:
# - DHL_2
# - Hermes_Päckchen
# - Hermes_S
# possible package types for size M:
# - DHL_5
# - Hermes_M
# possible package types for size L:
# - DHL_10
# - DHL_31,5
# - Hermes_L
shipping_options: []
sell_directly: # true or false, requires shipping_options to take effect

# list of wildcard patterns to select images
# if relative paths are specified, then they are relative to this ad configuration file
 #- laptop_*.{jpg,png}

  phone: "" # IMPORTANT: surround phone number with quotes to prevent removal of leading zeros

republication_interval: # every X days the ad should be re-published

id: # set automatically
created_on: # set automatically
updated_on: # set automatically

3) Using an existing browser window

By default a new browser process will be launched. To reuse a manually launched browser window/process follow these steps:

  1. Manually launch your browser from the command line with the --remote-debugging-port=<NUMBER> flag. You are free to choose an unused port number 1025 and 65535, e.g.:

    • chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222
    • chromium --remote-debugging-port=9222
    • msedge --remote-debugging-port=9222

    This runs the browser in debug mode which allows it to be remote controlled by the bot.

  2. In your config.yaml specify the same flag as browser argument, e.g.:

      - --remote-debugging-port=9222
  3. When now publishing ads the manually launched browser will be re-used.

NOTE: If an existing browser is used all other settings configured under browser in your config.yaml file will ignored because they are only used to programmatically configure/launch a dedicated browser instance.

Development Notes

Please read before contributing code. Thank you!

  • Format source code: pdm run format
  • Run tests:
    • unit tests: pdm run utest
    • integration tests: pdm run itest
    • all tests: pdm run test
  • Run syntax checks: pdm run lint
  • Create platform-specific executable: pdm run compile
  • Application bootstrap works like this:
    pdm run app
    |-> executes 'python -m kleinanzeigen_bot'
        |-> executes 'kleinanzeigen_bot/'
            |-> executes main() function of 'kleinanzeigen_bot/'
                |-> executes KleinanzeigenBot().run()


All files in this repository are released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later.

Individual files contain the following tag instead of the full license text:

SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later

This enables machine processing of license information based on the SPDX License Identifiers that are available here: