See screens at the bottom. Audio trailer:
The code for the Secret Republic hacker simulation role playing game V3.
A lot of work has gone into this but it (and more in its previous version) is not a documented (as of yet) project.
It's been through years of development with this being its 3rd full do-over.
However, the project on stand-by so I've decided to make the source available of nothing else
Read more about the history of the game and the more complete older version in the works for open sourcing @
Audio AI (woman, same as trailer) voice speaks when interacting with the game
Futuristic bootstrap based UI, mostly mobile ready
UNIX like terminal/command line based missions
In-game Mission designer with BBCode like syntax features (see attached Guides and screens)
Community features: forums, organizations (guilds), organization forums, blogs, friends, messaging system, automatic mission based tournamens (hackdown), organization specific mission, the grid
The grid: every players gets a node to start with and can initialize or conquer other nodes from other players. The world is split in multiple zones, which are split into clusters with a final node granularity. Damage and spy attacks can be triggered between nodes. There's an attempt at a simulator for attacks
Abilities & skills which semi-influence command execution time in missions
Servers with upgradable hardware (motherboard, ram, hdd, power source, software)
Tutorial system
Rewards system
I probably recommend you try to run both versions or at least check out both repositories. V4 is newer, more responsive made with mobile-first in mind, but way less featured.
You need a webserver able to run PHP and an MySQL database (LAMP).
Install MAMP ( for windows or WAMP ( for Mac to get them out of the box.
Import DB.sql into a fresh MySQL db.
You might need to run
against your MySQL DB in order for the SQL for missions to work -
Copy includes/database_info.template.php into includes/database_info.php and add your DB details.
Open includes/constants/constants.php and configure it with the URL and if you want to setup email sending.
Run 'composer install' and 'composer update' (more optional info about composer:
Create an account through the signup form and set your group_id to 1 inside the user_credentials DB table to become a Cardinal (admin).
Set these up to run periodically as the parameters suggest. The resources one should run maybe every minute
*/2 * * * * wget -O - http://localhost/cron/key1/MDMwN2Q3OGRiYmM4Y2RkOWZjNTBmMzA4MzViZDZiNjQ=/attacks/true >/dev/null 2>&1
This initial version was created by [Adrian Nenu] (
Please link and contribute back to this repository if using the code or assets :)