- Python>=3.7.0
- PyTorch>=1.7
pip install -r requirements.txt
The dataset is available on download here
python train.py --img 640 --cfg yolov5s.yaml --hyp hyp.scratch.yaml --batch 32 --epochs 100 --data road_sign_data.yaml --weights yolov5s.pt --name yolo_road_det
- img : Size of image
- batch : The batch size
- epochs : Number of epochs to train for
- data : Data YAML file that contains information about the dataset (path of images, labels)
- workers : Number of CPU workers
- cfg : Model architecture. There are 4 choices available: yolo5s.yaml, yolov5m.yaml, yolov5l.yaml, yolov5x.yaml
- weights: Pretrained weights you want to start training from. If you want to train from scratch, use
--weights ' '
- name: Various things about training such as train logs. Training weights would be stored in a folder named
- hyp: YAML file that describes hyperparameter choices. For examples of how to define hyperparameters, see
python val.py --data data.yaml --weights model.pt
- data : Data YAML file that contains information about the dataset (path of images, labels)
- weights: Pretrained weights to make predictions
python detect.py --weights yolov5s.pt --img 640 --conf 0.25 --source data/images
Note: results will be saved to runs/detect
- weights: Pretrained weights to make predictions
- img : Size of image
- conf: Thresholding objectness confidence
- source: The source of detector, which can be: single image, folder of images, Video, Webcam
python run.py --path path_to_model.pt
- path: path to trained weights
- Training_yolov5_Colab.ipynb : train, test
- Flask_Web_App.ipynb : flask application
- Real_time_object_detection_w_webcam.ipynb : real time object detection
Refer to youtube.