This repository includes a boilerplate project used for all Seedstars Labs mobile applications. It uses Django as backend and React as frontend.
To test the application you need to also run this backend:
We build on the shoulders of giants with the following technologies:
Redux Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
Redux Dev Tools DevTools for Redux with hot reloading, action replay, and customizable UI. Watch Dan Abramov's talk
Redux Thunk Thunk middleware for Redux - used in async actions
Babel for ES6 and ES7 magic
React Native Config Bring some 12 factor love to your mobile apps!
React Native Navigation Redux Helpers Redux actions and reducers for React Native experimental navigation
React Native Tab View A cross-platform Tab View component for React Native
React Native Vector Icons 3000 Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid, image source and full stying.
tcomb form Forms library for react and tcomb form native for React Native
react-native-communications Open a web address or call, email, text or iMessage (iOS only) someone in React Native
React Native Module for CodePush React Native module for CodePush
react-native-fabric A React Native library for Fabric, Crashlytics and Answers
React Native OneSignal React Native Push Notifications support with OneSignal integration.
ESLint, Airbnb Javascript/React Styleguide, Airbnb CSS / Sass Styleguide to maintain a consistent code style and eslint-plugin-import to make sure all imports are correct
- Command line starts with $, the command should run with user privileges
- Command line starts with #, the command should run with root privileges
$ git clone
$ cd reactnative-mobile-app-base
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ ./scripts/
Remember that when you copy this repository for a new project you need to add the scripts external module using:
$ git submodule add scripts
# wget -qO- | sudo bash -
# apt-get install --yes nodejs
$ npm install
Follow instructions in React Native website:
You need to edit the environment files to be able to use external SDKs (facebook, analysis, onesignal, etc) and also access backend. The files are in root of project and are called: .env.local_dev, .env.production and .env.staging.
Export needed variables
$ export ANDROID_HOME=~/Android/Sdk
$ export PATH=${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools
Start react-native development server
$ npm run start
Run app on emulator
$ ENVFILE=.env.local_dev react-native run-android # or any other .env
Confirm that the current app version don't have a staging version in codepush, other wise it will download the update.
code-push deployment ls "Seedstars Base" -k
Frontend (javascript static analysis)
$ npm run lintjs
increment app version in
$ cd android && ENVFILE=.env.production ./gradlew assembleRelease
if you have not registered in Codepush do:
$ code-push register
In case you have already registered you should run:
$ code-push collaborator add <appName> <collaboratorEmail>
After that you can do a release:
$ code-push release-react "Seedstars Base" android -m --description "Message"
The version is now in staging. After confirming that everything is ok, promote the version to Production.
$ code-push promote "Seedstars Base" Staging Production
In case you face any difficulty, please check the Documentation