Text Classification with Naive Bayes implementation using Neo4j and Node.JS
- Neo4J
- NodeJS
$ yarn add neo-classify
$ # or:
$ npm i neo-classify
import { configure, train, classify } from 'neo-classify'
// or
configure({ host: 'localhost', user: 'username', password: 'password', port: 7474, protocol: 'https' })
async function example() {
const pos = { type: 'sentiment', tags: ['positive'] }
const neg = { type: 'sentiment', tags: ['negative'] }
await train('i like coffee', [pos])
await train('i love coffee', [pos])
await train('coffee is too bitter', [neg])
await train('i dont like coffee', [neg])
await train('i like coffee with milk', [pos])
await train('i hate coffee', [neg])
const result = await classify('i really dont like coffee')
console.log(JSON.stringify(result.results, null, 2))
// returns...
interface Classifcation {
total: number
docs: { [type: string]: { [tag: string]: number } }
relations: { [type: string]: { [tag: string]: number } }
words: { [word: string]: { [type: string]: { [tag: string]: number } } }
results: { [type: string]: { [tag: string]: { percent: number; probability: number } } }