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Triage Meeting February 23th, 2021

Abdulbasid Guled edited this page Feb 23, 2021 · 1 revision


General notes:

  • Created a microservice label for all microservice issues and PRs

Following issues are related to the 2.0 UI update


  • Text Auto-Fill issue
  • Assigned to Yuan


  • SearchResults component redesign
  • Assigned to Royce


  • Search Page component redesign
  • Already assigned to Minh


  • SearchBar component redesign
  • Assigned to Minh


  • SearchInput component redesign
  • Assigned to Ilya and Minh


  • Assigned to Abdul, Anton, Mo, and Chris for review.


  • Assigned to Mo, Abdul, and Chris for review
  • Added to Microservices Project
  • Set for 1.8 release


  • Assigned to Anton, and Mo for review

#1530 and #1472:

  • Slack Integration PRs. Closed for now because focus is on 2.0 frontend UI update.


  • Reusing parts of our Dockerfiles for our microservices
  • Assigned to David and Ray


  • Code escaping bug (found on Chris's blog post)
  • Assigned to Abdul, and Mo
  • Solution is in sanitizationHTML perhaps???


  • Configuration to track docker files and Github Actions to Dependabot
  • Assigned to Anton


  • Prod search and about pages return 404.
  • Related to how navigation is being interpetted on the backend
  • Assigned to Ilya


  • Handling inline images in blog posts
  • Assigned to Royce and Ilya
  • Set for 1.8 release


  • Migrating repo to use either npm7 workspaces, learn, yarn, or pnpm
  • Assigned to Anton, and Abdul


  • Release Github Actions don't produce changelog
  • Already assigned to Anton
  • Going to switch to another actions to create changelog


  • Inconsistent Github Contributors card in the AboutFooter
  • Already assigned to Ilya


  • Styling is not being applied in all areas when in dark mode
  • Already assigned to Ilya
  • Set for 1.8 release
  • White screen in the background to be addressed in follow-up issue


  • Using Portainer to allow admins to manage docker containers
  • Assigned to Yuan, Royce, Ilya, Anton, and Abdul


  • Adding microservice docker-compose to production startup
  • Assigned to Ilya, David, and Abdul


  • Adding Let's Encrypt to Traefik Microservices router
  • CCed Josue to ask if he was still working on this issue


  • Closed due to bug not having occurred in months


  • Adding Vercel badge to
  • Left for now as it doesn't exist yet


  • Improving Telescope Accessibility Standards
  • Assigned to Ilya, Royce
  • To be broken down into smaller issues


  • Implementing Octonode for Github Integration to integrate github information for Telescope users
  • To be converted into a microservice
  • To be worked on by Pedro and Mo
  • Sample PR to be up by this Friday
  • Set for 1.8 release


  • Auditing backend async middleware routes
  • Assigned to Abdul, and Mo


  • Updating DynamicImage to be fully dynamic
  • Assigned to Royce


  • Converting Github Docs to MDX for Next
  • Low priority atm
  • Will be discussed more with Cindy and Chris


  • Documenting Rest API using Swagger
  • Abdul will test this with his Post microservice
  • Not a huge priority


  • Keeping feeds synchronized
  • Already assigned to David
  • May be closed with Chris or Calvin's microservice PR


  • Adding support for JSDoc type checking in the backend
  • Preferred to moving backend to TS to not alienate future students who are more familiar with JS
  • Left open for now, not a huge priority
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