Install Packet-Tracer on GNU/Linux that not include dpkg.
This for installing Packet Tracer in :
- Arch Linux
- Void Linux
- Fedora
- Any Distro that not have DPKG.
Many of the destros does not have dpkg
and must use this script to install Packet Tracer.
Before active the Bash in this scripting. you need download the package from NETCAD to get the last version.
Note Use only one package in Installation.
- the first step is download the repository by git:
git clone
copy the package into repo directroy.
Then run the command:
sudo bash
If you want uninstall run the command
sudo bash
Note if you use WM such as DWM from Suckless you must make link the executed binary to Dmenu by
sudo ln -s /opt/pt/packettracer /bin/packettracer