Contagion CE is a Plague Inc. inspired game written in C for the TI-84 Plus CE calculator.
If you have a physical TI-84 Plus CE or TI-83 Premium CE.
- Download the latest release of CONTAGION CE
- Unzip these files to your desktop.
- Download TI-Connect CE.
- Connect your calculator to your computer via USB.
- Go to the File Explorer tab in TI-Connect CE and drag and drop these files.
If you're using an emulator (TI-Smartview CE).\
- Download the latest release of CONTAGION CE
- Unzip these files to your desktop.
- Go to the File Explorer tab and drag and drop the files to your calculator.
- Download and transfer the latest release of Contagion CE to your TI-84 Plus CE or TI-83 Premium CE.
- Press the [Zoom] key to start the game.
- Choose your virus name using the letters above your keypad. Press [Enter] when done.
- Pick your starting location using the arrow keys and press [Enter] when done.
- Watch the world die.
- [^][v][<][>] change selected contintent.
- [Mode] enter/exit transportation view.
- [Clear] exit game.
- [Graph] open the mutation menu.