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Iteration 1 MVP

nadaveshed edited this page May 29, 2017 · 1 revision

Iteration 1 - Minimum Viable Product

Iteration Goals

This iteration shows the basic functionality of the product and serves as a basic proof of concept.

  • The prototype software would show basic functionality of the app- that is the ability to track GPS co-ordinates of search teams and display them on a central computer as well as maintaining a database.
  • The admin will be able to generate an event from the server's URL adress.
  • Upon generating the event the admin will enter the relevant details and the system will automaticlly provide a unique event number used to identify this event.
  • Each member of the search team upon joining the event will be identified by a unique symbol and and label drawn from his or her intials.
  • The searchers location will be sampled every five minutes and on the admin's screen - his or her path will appear as the locations sampled every five minutes connnected between with a line.
  • This iteration will also be by Scrum.

Team Roles

  • Alexey Kourin - Developing the main map screen and features relating to it.
  • Daniel Potashnikov & Sergei Levine - Server and Database development.
  • David Kaliner & Tal Rofeh - Mobile development.
  • Nadav Eshed - App design.

Task Management

links to issues and boards

link to code here is the code of the prototype

Total Estimation

Screen shots


Process, Methods & Tools

  • Visual Studio Code.
  • SQL Database.
  • PHP server
  • Angular2 with semb google maps API.

Next Iter2-ISD Incremental Software Development

Iteration 2:

  • Admin generating an event will send invitation to join on all phones upon which the app is installed.
  • The searcher will be able to press "confirm" and join or "reject" and will not be added to the event.
  • Upon selecting "confirm" the searchers location will immediatly be sent to the admin's screen, allowing the admin to know when the searchers will arrive at the scene (see examples).
  • It will be possible to view events according to date or event number.
  • Communication by text messages or media files (maybe audio files) will be supported- meaning we will have to define a place in the apps main screen to type or attach files.